[COMB2014]乳腺癌化疗的突破性进展——Arlene Chan教授访谈

作者:  ArleneChan   日期:2014/9/5 13:24:02  浏览量:99859



  Oncology Frontier: Taxotere in combination with cyclophosphamide improves survival of women with early-stage breast cancer and reduces the risk of cancer recurrence. Could you briefly explain how that works?


  Dr Chan: Docetaxel is the generic drug name of the brand Taxotere. The US Oncology group was the first to establish the efficacy of this combination, largely driven by the understanding that although anthracyclines remain a very important component of chemotherapy for both early and advanced breast cancer, it is ultimately associated with the potential for cardiac toxicities. There is a direct dose-related cumulative toxicity. In an area where we are trying to improve both the quality of life of metastatic patients but also early cure rates in early breast cancer patients, as clinicians we don’t want to be precipitating cardiac morbidities and cardiac deaths. The knowledge that docetaxel is an effective taxane when given with an alkylating agent like cyclophosphamide was evaluated in the early 1990s in the US Oncology trial. A number of further time points have published this to be an effective regimen with a disease-free and overall survival benefit when compared to four cycles of doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide. Clearly this is a doublet which is a very effective option for us to be offering to our patients. In my clinical practice, the group of patients I would generally be recommending docetaxel and cyclophosphamide to are especially those who are elderly with existing cardiac comorbidities. Unless they are hormone unresponsive, I would tend to use docetaxel/cyclophosphamide (TC) irrespective of whether they are stage 1 or 2 with no positive disease. If they are triple-negative elderly patients, I would still generally consider using an anthracycline-based regimen. The second category of patients I would consider using TC for would perhaps be the lower risk patients – those women who might have no positive or grade 3 breast cancer that are hormone positive and where I am a little nervous about offering just hormone treatment, or conversely a young patient like a 25 year old, who has a small tumor with no node involvement who I am going to be able to offer hormone therapy to but as the St. Gallen guidelines have already provided over so many years, that young age is itself a high risk variable for disease recurrence, in a younger patient, I would probably want to avoid anthracyclines and therefore consider using the TC regimen as well. There are a couple of caveats. There are two things with TC that weren’t clearly evaluated through the registration trial of that regimen. One is the unexpected high rates of febrile neutropenia. Within the confines of the pivotal trial, the rates were actually extremely low. In that particular trial, growth stimulating factors were not used prophylactically and they reported rates of febrile neutropenia of <5%. There are a number of publications including one from Australia, which show that in the absence of primary G-CSF prophylaxis, rates of febrile neutropenia can be as high as 25-30%. If you measure first cycle nadir counts, grade 3/4 neutropenia can occur in up to two-thirds of these women. Although it doesn’t have the anthracycline and although it is generally shorter even when used for four cycles, myelosuppression is a significant predictable effect. So if you have patients who are at risk, such as those with post-surgical wound infections or those with other comorbidities that put them at greater risk for infections like diabetes or those with rheumatoid arthritis and who have been on immunosuppressive drug therapy, I would be very keen to consider using primary G-CSF prophylaxis concurrently with the first cycle of TC chemotherapy. The second issue with TC is that at the moment we are awaiting the results of a large American trial showing the duration of treatment. There have been a number of studies that have suggested that in the early breast cancer setting, not only is the choice of agents important but it is also the duration for which those patients are given the treatment. A NSABP trial showed that four cycles of TAC was actually inferior to eight cycles of AC followed by taxanes. The trial that has been conducted by the NSABP, the TIC-TAC trial, will probably be able to provide us with the information as to whether six cycles of TC is superior to four cycles which then offers us yet another regimen to be able to utilize for perhaps our slightly higher risk patients.





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