[ELCC 2015]吴一龙教授和Manegold教授共话NSCLC免疫疗法

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/4/22 17:53:30  浏览量:31608


编者按:关于NSCLC免疫治疗,本届ELCC在16日的日程中专门设置了一个辩论环节:“免疫治疗是NSCLC的一线治疗选择吗?”这个有趣的学术博弈吸引了众多与会者的目光,正反双方的辩论精彩而激烈。该环节的辩论结束后,参会专家们仍意犹未尽。CSCO现任主任委员、广东省人民医院副院长吴一龙教授现场采访了Christian Manegold教授,征询了他对免疫治疗地位的看法。Manegold教授是德国海德堡大学医学教授、IASLC董事会成员。











  Prof. Wu:  Oncology Frontier: What are your thoughts on immunotherapy in the treatment of advanced NSCLC?

  Dr Manegold: Immunology greatly influences tumor growth. We have tried for decades to use immunotherapeutic approaches to control tumor growth and cure patients, but vaccinations and many other forms of immune modulators have failed to help us manage tumors in patients. At the moment, we are facing an interesting time with regard to new approaches in immunotherapy with the checkpoint inhibitors. We also have interesting new vaccination strategies. We are at the beginning of incorporating these strategies into clinical practice. We still don’t know with certainty the targets and mechanisms of action but for some tumors, like melanoma, we know a lot more than for non-small cell lung cancer, for example. But we are on the right track with non-small cell lung cancer to be using these new immunotherapeutic approaches successfully.


  Prof. Wu: Would you foresee immunotherapy as a first-line treatment strategy for NSCLC?


  Dr Manegold: I think that if you have a good drug, you should use it first-line. Clinical developments do not usually start in the first-line but with second- or subsequent-line therapy. But at the end of the day, I think we will have these new immunological approaches available not only for second- and subsequent-line therapy but also in the first-line. It is not a matter of the immune approach alone, but maybe a combination with chemotherapy and radiotherapy will be necessary or maybe even of different immune approaches for non-small cell lung cancer.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴


ELCC 2015NSCLC免疫疗法NSCLC免疫治疗欧洲肺癌大会

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