

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/11/9 15:25:27  浏览量:24699


编者按:乳腺癌的管理进入到了分子分型时代,针对不同分子分型的患者已经建立起不同类型的治疗方案。但治疗方案绝不是一成不变的,需要根据患者的具体情况来对方案做出细调,这也就是我们所说的个体化治疗。而且真实世界的复杂环境不同于临床试验严格控制的环境,日前,《肿瘤瞭望》邀请了复旦大学肿瘤医院邵志敏教授和来自美国达纳-法伯癌症研究所的Eric P. Winer教授和Ian E. Krop教授,讨论HER-2阳性乳腺癌患者的个体化治疗与真实世界数据的应用。







  邵志敏教授介绍了中国的情况,目前在中国,对于早期HER-2乳腺癌的辅助治疗,主要参照指南执行,包括NCCN指南和St Gallen共识。个体化治疗真正应依赖的应该是特定的分子标志物,而在当前主要依赖于病理参数,如淋巴结、肿瘤大小、HER-2和ER的状态。例如,对于HER-2阳性乳腺癌患者,如果肿瘤大小超过当前的推荐值,如1 cm,就会建议这类患者接受曲妥珠单抗联合化疗。但由于费用问题,近70%的患者没有进行靶向治疗。“HER-2患者的预后很大程度上依赖于抗HER-2治疗,(靶向治疗应用的不充分)导致中美的HER-2阳性乳腺癌患者的预后也有很大差异。”











  Winer教授则表示,这个试验的表现“远远超出了预期”,试验人群的复发率非常低。更重要的是,这项研究并不像很多人以为的那样,局限在肿瘤很小的人群中,“实际上,一半的受试者的肿瘤介于1.1 cm和3 cm,大部分为1~2 cm。”Winer教授反复提到,希望未来肿瘤医生可以更“聪明”,对于某些患者,可以“退一步”,不给予化疗,而主要使用靶向治疗。在他看来,ATP就是一个何时可以“退一步”的好例子。“至少在美国,这项研究已经改变了临床实践。”














































  Oncology Frontier : Today we have the honor of doing a short interview. I would like to do a brief introduction of our honored guests. Professor Shao is the Director of the Breast Cancer Institute in Shanghai Cancer Center. We have Professor Winer from Dana Farber Institute. He is the director of Breast Oncology and we also have Professor Krop from Dana Farber. He is the director of the Breast Cancer Program and the Clinical Research Committee.


  《肿瘤瞭望》:The management of breast cancer has entered into an era of molecular classification where the various therapy regimens have been established for patients with corresponding molecular subtype. But the regimen is not inflexible; fine-tuning is necessary given the specific patient.  That is what we call personalized treatment. Today we are greatly honored by inviting three prestigious figures in breast cancer field to answer our questions. In treatment of breast cancer such as early stage cancer, what factors will affect personalized treatment?




  Dr. Winer: For HER 2 positive breast cancer unfortunately we do not have biomarkers that predict greater or lesser benefit from adjuvant trastuzumab. In terms of personalizing treatment, we really are left personalizing based on the stage of the disease, so we give somewhat different chemotherapy regimens for patients with very early stage disease versus patients who have for example, stage 2 and stage 3 breast cancer. Also based on the side effect profile that the patient is either able to tolerate or wiling to tolerate. We have different regimens that have somewhat different side effects and in that way we can also personalize treatment. We hope that there will be a time in the future where in fact we can be a little smarter than we are today. We can back off on chemotherapy in some patients and use primarily targeted therapy but in order to get there and in order to back off on some of the chemotherapy we are going to have to get pretty creative in terms of how we do the clinical trials.




  Dr. Shao : Yes just to add to what Dr. Winer said, but in HER 2 positive patients right now we have to based on their molecular targets, for example HER 2, if the tumor size is more than what is recommended right now – for one side it is 1 centimeter, the patients will probably be recommended for anti HER 2 treatment which is with trastuzumab and chemotherapies. Also we probably know that we have some markers or the signatures to predict how is the HER 2 treatment has effect or not but it is still in the trials right now. Giving the trastuzumab they do not have too many side effects, particularly in the heart, but this is still a minus. For the HER 2 positive breast cancer patients right now, if the patients they can receive the trastuzumab then we all recommend it but in China it is still a big difference between China and the United States where it is cost effective. In the United States I know it is all covered by the insurance but in China most of the provinces are not covered by insurance so even in Shanghai, it still is a big cost. In our hospital we only have 35% patients who receive adjuvants. That is a big difference because in the HER 2 positive breast cancers the prognosis is really based on the anti HER 2 treatment.


  邵志敏教授:没错。我想补充的是,目前对于HER-2阳性患者,我们不得不依赖患者的分子靶点。例如,如果肿瘤大小超过当前的推荐值,如1 cm。我们可能会建议这类患者接受曲妥珠单抗抗HER-2治疗联合化疗。现在也有一些标志物或标签可能能预测抗HER-2治疗是否有效,但还限于临床试验范畴。曲妥珠单抗的副作用并不多,主要是在心脏方面,这是它的弱点。目前在中国,对于HER-2阳性乳腺癌患者,如果患者能够使用曲妥珠单抗,我们都会推荐应用该药,但中美之间,在成本效益方面仍有很大的差异。据我所知,在美国,医疗保险完全覆盖该药的费用,但在中国,该药在很多省份都未进入医保,因此即使在上海,治疗仍需一大笔费用。在我们医院,只有35%的患者接受辅助治疗。由于HER-2患者的预后很大程度上依赖于抗HER-2治疗,因此在中美的HER-2阳性乳腺癌患者之间,结局有很大差异?


  Dr. Krop : The treatment in early stage HER 2 positive disease is probably the area in breast cancer that we have made the most progress. Most people now do quite well particularly if they have access to drugs like trastuzumab. Our goal now is as Dr. Winer suggested is two fold. One is to try to decrease the side effects of treatment for those patients with lower risk disease and the other is for the relatively small population who has very high risk disease, how can we still improve them further. In terms of the high-risk disease area, we are still trying to develop newer drugs which may help make chemotherapy and HER 2 directed therapy work better, like other signal transduction inhibitors and other immune therapies. For the lower risk patients, again, what we are really trying to do is cut down on toxicity and one way to do that is to try to identify with biomarkers who can be treated successfully with HER 2 targeted therapies alone and who does not need as much chemotherapy. That has been difficult but there have been a number of clinical trials on going that are trying to tease out some of those biomarkers. What Professor Shao was pointing out in terms of the cost, again, if we can identify biomarkers of who needs less therapy then perhaps we can use our HER 2 therapies, our expensive therapies, and concentrate it on those patients who are going to derive the most benefit. I think a lot of this can be improved if we can determine more precisely the characteristics of cancers and how they respond and do not respond to treatment. That is where we are trying to go to better personalize our therapies.






  Oncology Frontier : Earlier in this year, the APT trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated that specific patients who use either trastuzumab and paclitaxel as adjuvant therapy can have favorable survival outcome. This should be a perfect example of personalized treatment. Professor Winer and Professor Krop have all participated in APT. Can you please give us your comments on the outcomes of this trial?




  Professor Krop : Well I do think this is an example of personalized medicine in which we identified patients who were relatively low risk with HER 2 positive disease and there was no clear standard treatment for these patients and our general sense was that giving them comprehensive multi-agent chemotherapy and trastuzumab was probably too much treatment and therefore too much toxicity. Taking advantage of the biologic characteristics of this cancer which we knew were very sensitive to trastuzumab we could hopefully cut down on the amount of chemotherapy and exploit the benefits of transtuzumab and this trial which used a small amount of chemotherapy and trastuzumab did show that in the patient with smaller, node negative cancers, that outcomes were very good and toxicity was fairly low when given just a small amount of chemotherapy, just 12 weeks of paclitaxel, with a year of trastuzumab. We think this was a nice proof of concept that identifying a population that is sensitive to HER 2 directed therapy can do very well with less chemotherapy. What we are now trying to do currently is to try to even cut back further on toxicity by using it as a more targeted therapy, T-DM 1 in these low risk patients.




  Professor Winer: So when we designed the trial we had hoped that it would show an acceptable result and we had defined an acceptable result as a recurrence rate of less than 5% at 3 years. As it turned out the trial far out performed what we expected meaning that the number of recurrences was very very small and in fact if you look at distant recurrences only there were 2 distant recurrences in those first 3 years of 406 patients who were on the trial. It is also important to point out that the trial was not just for patients who had tumors less than 1 centimeter. It has been interpreted by some people as being a trial for patients who had the smallest of all cancers, actually half of the tumors were between 1.1 centimeters and 3 centimeters, most were in the 1 to 2 centimeter range. I think that this really is an example of a situation where we are able to back off, we knew we could not do a randomized trial for a whole range of reasons and rather than do nothing, we actually launched a study and it worked out quite well. At least in the United States, this has really changed clinical practice.


  Winer教授:在我们设计这项试验时,我们希望它能展示出一个能够让人接受的结果,我们将这个结果设定为3年复发率小于5%。结果显示,试验的表现远远超出了我们的预期,复发率非常低,在研究纳入的406例患者中,前3年仅有2例出现远期复发。还有重要的一点需要指出,即这个试验并不只包括肿瘤<1 cm的患者。有些学者在解读这项试验时,把它认作是在肿瘤极小的患者中进行的。但实际上,一半的受试者的肿瘤介于1.1 cm和3 cm,大部分为1~2 cm。我认为这是一个何时可以“退一步”的好例子。我们早就知道不可能开展一项纳入了所有因素的随机试验,但与袖手旁观相比,我们开展了一项试验,而这项试验开展得非常成功。至少在美国,这项研究已经改变了临床实践。


  Oncology Frontier : The next question is that Professor Shao, in China how can we provide personalized treatment for patients with early stage breast cancer and are there some cases or trials involved in adjuvant and neo adjuvant therapy?




  Professor Shao  : Yes right now for early breast cancer treatment in China, for example with adjuvants, is really based on the guidelines. Even the NCCN guidelines on this and the St. Gallen consensus because really right now we are talking about personalized treatment and it really depends on certain molecular markers and the major thing right now is still on the pathological parameters for example nodes, tumor size, HER 2, ER status, so it is really based on these factors to guide our treatment. Also in our clinical practice right now we all still have some localized or we also attend multi-center clinical trials. But this is really based on the study you designed to try to approve one treatment over another treatment. Right now in China, the majority of patients is still treated with the guidelines but we have a small amount of patients who attend clinical trials to try to improve our results.


  邵志敏教授:当前在中国,对于早期乳腺癌的辅助治疗,主要参照指南执行,包括NCCN指南和St Gallen共识。现在我们讨论的是个体化治疗,它真正应该依赖于特定的分子标志物,而目前主要依赖于病理参数,如淋巴结、肿瘤大小、HER-2和ER的状态,这些因素指导着我们的治疗。在我们的临床实践中,我们自己开展或参与了一些多中心临床试验。不过要证明一种治疗优于另一种治疗,与试验设计有很大关系。在中国,大部分患者是按照指南治疗,也有少量患者参与临床试验,尝试改善预后。


  Oncology Frontier : Our first question is that in adjuvant and non adjuvant therapy, no matter what the technique is we all wish that we had some highly sensitive and specific molecular biomarkers to predict the treatment response or prognosis. Professor Winer and Professor Shao, what should we do, can you comment on this.




  Professor Winer  : Well unfortunately we do not have high risk specific biomarkers other than HER 2. We continue to look for them, we continue to look for biomarkers that will allow us to determine, for example, which patients might benefit from the addition of drugs like pertuzumab, which patients might be able to do well with a shorter course of antibody therapy, which patients might benefit from a whole range of other agents. It has been surprising how much we have looked at here from the early adjuvant trials and how little we have been able to come up with. As has been said, I think at least at this point in time we have to base our treatment decisions on the presence or absence of HER 2 and then on patient preferences and the stage of disease. Stage of disease turns out to be very very important in terms of predicting the ultimate risk of having a recurrence which is really what we are trying to prevent.




  Professor Krop  : So we certainly have not identified single markers that are highly predictive of response to therapy particularly with HER 2 but it is starting to be some progress and one of the ways as you suggested, was looking at neo adjuvant trials in which we can develop a lot of tissue as part of a trial and incorporate that with how patients do pathologically after targeted therapy. Some of those studies are starting to yield some interesting results. We now know that HER 2 positive disease is actually, when looked at with genomic techniques, is actually made up of several different sub types and these actually respond somewhat differently to targeted therapy and chemotherapy particularly when you are using pathologic response as your endpoint. I think one of the more intriguing results from those studies is that tumors that seem to have an immune signature to them probably because they are somewhat antigenic and they have developed infiltrates of immune cells, seem to respond best to HER 2 targeted therapy and chemotherapy and that may give us clues in the future in terms of whether we can take advantage of that and use therapies to stimulate the immune system, particularly in those cancers. I think there are some intriguing data that are just starting to come out and we hope that that will pay off in the future but certainly right now we do not have anything that we can use clinically to guide therapy decisions.




  Professor Winer: Can I just make one more comment. The one other area that is probably worth paying attention to relates to hormone receptor status. There we know that anti HER 2 therapies are effective in both ER negative and ER positive breast cancer but there is at least some suggestion that the combination of anti hormonal therapy and anti HER 2 therapy could be of particular benefit in those patients with hormone receptor positive disease. There was a pre-operative clinical trial conducted by a group at Baylor that looked at the use of anti HER 2 therapy with anti hormonal therapy with somewhat surprisingly favorable results.




  Oncology Frontier : Professor Shao do you have any comments you can share with us on this question?




  Professor Shao : Yes I think that right now there are new techniques that are still trying to find all the biomarkers just as Dr. Winer has said in the presentation. He has given us clues that right now we are not looking for not only one single gene or one single marker but we are looking for the pathway of multi-gene authorizations that may be an effector of one treatment. For example right now in HER 2 positive breast cancer, we are looking for the mutation for the HER 2 genes. In particular we have found HER 2 and even the HER 2 mutation rates for positive is only like 2.8% but whenever the patient relapses with a metastases with HER 2 treatment, the metastatic site of the HER 2 mutation rates will go up to 30% or 40% which means HER 2 mutation in HER 2 positive breast cancer patients with HER 2 mutation may be one mechanism of the HER treatment resistance. In this particular patient with HER 2 mutations, we may use different mechanisms of HER 2 treatment. Right now all the new techniques are looking for this in HER 2 positive breast cancers. As Dr. Winer also suggested, in different pathways for example the HER 2 pathways or the downstream of the ER they have a crosstalk. If we block one way, it may work. That is why all the clinical trials that designed different are looking for, hopefully in one or two years in the future this may work.




  Oncology Frontier : The ALTTO clinical trials have shown that trastuzumab combined with lapatinib is not better than using trastuzumab in some cases. Professor Winer and Professor Shaw, how do you see the future of double combination when treated with trastuzumab and combined with lapatinib?




  Professor Krop: I think many of us were a little surprised and disappointed that the combination of lapatinib and trastuzumab along with chemotherapy did not seem to improve outcomes in the adjuvant setting compared to chemotherapy and trastuzumab alone because the data from the neo adjuvant setting did suggest that combining trastuzumab and lapatinib would be beneficial and we know that that is true in the metastatic setting. I think because we now have clear data from a very nicely done study with a large number of patients that demonstrates pretty clearly that the combination does not improve outcomes and it is associated with additional toxicity that right now there is really no role for that combination in the early disease setting. Now just as we have talked about with a lot of the other questions, I think that there certainly may be specific cancers that benefit from that combination and hopefully as an analysis of the ALTTO trial tumor samples is ongoing that we will be able to learn whether there are particular cancers that seem to benefit more but right now without any good biomarker there really is not a role for using the combination of lapatinib and trastuzumab. There are other combinations of HER 2 directed therapies such as trastuzumab and pertuzumab that may be another approach to this so called dual blockade paradigm. Certainly with trastuzumab and lapatinib I do not think that there is a clinical role any time soon.




  Professor Winer : I would tend to agree that there may be a sub group of patients who ultimately would benefit from the 2 drugs, from a combination of trastuzumab and lapatinib. We do not know who those people are. In retrospect, I think that it is probably too bad and while its always not fair to look at this issue in retrospect but in retrospect the way the ALTTO study was designed was probably not optimal. We probably would have been far better off looking at a two-armed trial with a larger number of patients in each of those two arms so that we can actually look at subsets more effectively instead of having a more complex four arm trial. I think part of the problem though is that although lapatinib and trastuzumab in the metastatic setting in some studies is clearly an effective regime, whether or not it is more effective when added to chemotherapy is unclear; it is not in the neo adjuvant setting. The neo adjuvant setting is a tricky area and there are a number of reasons why neo adjuvant results may not translate into benefiting the adjuvant arena. I do think that it certainly raises a caution about dual-blockage but it in no way suggests that other anti-HER 2 therapies when combined with trastuzumab will not be useful. I think we are all waiting for the results from the APHINITY trial and quite optimistically waiting on results. A large part of that optimism is not because of the neo adjuvant trials but because of the dramatic impact of pertuzumab in the metastatic setting on survival and those are data we never had for lapatinib.




  Oncology Frontier  : Furthermore, neo adjuvant therapy have been used in more and more patients, and are suited to the earlier and earlier cancer stages. What are the prospects of double targeting in neo adjuvant therapy for HER 2 positive breast cancer patients?




  Dr. Winer  : There is no role for lapatinib and trastuzumab in the neo adjuvant setting because it does not improve long term outcome and to my knowledge has not been shown to improve rates of breast cancer remission or any other short term outcome measure. In terms of pertuzumab, in the United States and I believe in Europe at the moment, pertuzumab has been approved in the neo adjuvant setting. I think in Europe it is actually in ER negative patients but I am not absolutely sure of this but I think it is the case. Whether or not that is available in European countries is another question. In the United States, based on the data from the neo adjuvant trials and based on the dramatic survival advantage from CLEOPATRA, neo adjuvant pertuzumab is available and it is something that is used that will change dramatically depending on the results of the APHINITY study. In my mind, the main reason we give neo adjuvant therapy is for long term benefits. We take advantage of the fact that in the short term it may allow us to decrease the mastectomy rate, decrease the extent of surgery, but if a regimen ultimately does not help prevent disease recurrence long term it would be hard to get too excited about using them in the neo adjuvant setting.




  Oncology Frontier : Thank you, my next question is for HER-2 positive metastatic breast cancer, which regimen is commonly used in first line and second line treatment scenario and strategy?


  《肿瘤瞭望》:对于HER-2 阳性的转移性乳腺癌,您目前惯常选择哪种一线治疗和二线治疗方案?


  Dr. Krop  : In the United States, for the majority of patients with first line HER 2 positive disease the recommendations are to use the combination of chemotherapy, trastuzumab, and pertuzumab and that is based on the data that Dr. Winer just mentioned which was a CLEOPATRA study which compared a docetaxel, trastuzumab with either placebo or pertuzumab showing what we have learned recently is a dramatic improvement in survival of almost 16 months with the addition of pertuzumab. Based on this survival benefit and the fact that for the most part pertuzumab adds relatively mild toxicities to chemotherapies and trastuzumab, but based on this combination of survival benefits and reasonable toxicity profile that this pertuzumab based regimen really is the standard for most patients in the United States.




  Dr. Winer: Do you want to add about the first line?




  Dr. Shao  : In China right now, we do not have too much choice because we only have two anti HER 2 drugs in the market. It is one transtuzumab and the second is lapatinib. Whenever the first line treatment will be, we have two choices, one is trastuzumab changed with a different chemotherapy or lapatinib and capecitabine, so that is two that we can use. We do not have pertuzumab, we do not have the T-DM 1, so we have another 4 or 5 years for it to come out to the Chinese market. That is the real situation right now in China.




  Dr. Winer : For second line, our standard at this time is T-DM 1 and T-DM 1 given as a single agent and if for an reason the patient does not receive T-DM 1 in the second line setting, for example we receive trastuzumab with another chemotherapy agent or trastuzumab and lapatinib which is a regimen we occasionally use then we have evidence to support giving T-DM 1 in third line setting. T-DM 1 is a drug we use, it is a drug that tends to have quite modest toxicity and can be quite effective and in the second line setting at least compared to capecitabine and lapatinib there is a survival advantage.




  Oncology Frontier: As you mentioned, T-DM 1 has been launched in US and you have mentioned its application in HER 2 positive metastatic breast cancer in second line treatment and above. Can you elaborate on its clinical value and indicate its patient prospect. How about its safety profiles?




  Dr. Krop : Eric alluded to T-DM 1 as the standard now for most patients in the United States after progression on pertuzumab and trastuzumab. The reason is because of its efficacy which was superior to capecitabine and lapatinib and also superior to trastuzumab based regimens in later lines of therapy. One of the things that makes T-DM 1 particularly appealing is its favorable side effect profile. It does not have many of the usual chemotherapy toxicities, it does not cause hair loss, it does not cause much neutropenia or neuropathy and the side effects are that it can have this fatigue and some gastrointestinal side effects which are usually very mild compared to other drugs so from a patient’s standpoint it is very well tolerated. It does have some toxicities that need to be followed. It can cause thrombocytopenia in grade 3 or higher levels in about 10% of patients and it can cause elevations of transaminase in about 5 or 6% of patients at significant levels but those are usually transient. They are not usually symptomatic and they respond to dose reductions. From a patient’s perspective it is a very well tolerated drug and physicians need to be aware of the potential toxicities but for the most part, for most patients, these really are not clinical problems.




  Oncology Frontier  : In China, T-DM 1 is not available yet. Professor Shao, how do you consider its future clinical use prospect in China?




  Professor Shao : That is a very hard question I have to answer. Right now the T-DM 1 trial, I think it is the registered trial, and it will start in the early next year but still it will require some time to submit data to the CFDA to get some time to approve it. I think it is for the trial right now, the HER 2 positive way. We have joined a lot of the international clinical trials, for example the APHINITY trial that you have mentioned and the ALTTO trial where we have contributed quite a lot of numbers, particularly in our site. From the data it looks like it is pretty promising so for me it is really hard to answer this question for the future. We just have to prove while doing our work to try to prove how to get the fastest improvement in the new drugs and bring them to China, for our HER 2 positive breast cancer patients.




  Oncology Frontier  : Now let us move to the next topic. Real world research and evidence from clinical trials can complement each other and both are non-replaceable. Please give us a general description of the function and significance of real world data.




  Dr. Winer: I think when you are talking about real world data you are talking about what is often called Big Data as well. This is looking at large databases that include patients who have been treated with different regimens so we are not talking about randomized clinical trials, we are not talking about non randomized clinical trials, we are talking about essentially experiencing clinical practice. It is a form of data that is just beginning to be explored. Something that is related but where we have less in the way of treatment detail are databases such as the SEER Medicare database in the United States where we have information generally speaking about treatment and about outcomes but where there is much less detail than you would ever really imagine in a clinical trial. Some of these new efforts include efforts from ASCO to develop something called Cancer Link. There are health insurance databases and there are other efforts to do this as well. I think that you have to keep in mind that this is not a substitute for clinical trials. There are biases that are introduced when you evaluate treatments in this kind of setting that you simply can not correct for. That said, with enough data you can begin to at least generate hypothesis that might then lead to smaller and more efficient clinical trials.


  Winer教授:我想当我们在谈到真实数据时,我们也是在谈论大数据。它涉及了大型数据库,纳入了采用不同方案治疗的患者,因此我们讨论的不是随机临床试验,也不是非随机临床试验,我们实际上是在讨论经验性临床实践。对这类型数据的探索和开发才刚刚开始。有一些相关的数据库,但在治疗方面的细节不多,例如美国的SEER医疗数据库,那里有我们通常所说的治疗和结局相关的信息,但细节要比在临床试验中所想像的少得多。在这类新的工作中,ASCO也作出了努力,开发了Cancer Link。还有健康保险数据库和其他形式。我认为我们需要牢记的是,它不是临床试验的替代品。我们在解释这种情况下的治疗方案时,会引入偏倚,而且很难纠正。也就是说,在拥有足够数据的情况下,我们至少可以生成假设,并由此衍生出更小的但是更有效的临床试验。


  Professor Shao: Just as Dr. Winer just mentioned, our future is where we try to do what we call precise medicine. Maybe that is the future that we hope but still as right now, we try to generate this program in looking for some links for the future to practice. Right now it is not practical.




  Oncology Frontier : Currently, what kinds of challenges are we facing in the real world data related research?




  Dr. Winer  : I think the latest challenge in this real world data research is the fact that one cannot control for all the potential biases that go into decision making about different treatments. I think where these data are most useful are in evaluating potentially late outcomes and looking at what percentage of patients have HER 2 positive breast cancer who are treated with trastuzumab and 10 years later have heart failure. Looking at the frequency of brain metastases in women with HER 2 positive metastatic breast cancer and there in fact if you capture everybody with HER 2 positive metastatic breast cancer you end up having a denominator and a numerator and you can have a fairly precise estimate. I think that with time we will be better at looking at some of these comparisons of one regimen versus another in the real world data but as I mentioned earlier there is still a large place for clinical trials and this is not a way to avoid doing clinical trials.




  Dr. Shao : Just as I said, it is still the future but right now we are doing some basic work. For example right now in our centers we are trying to do over 1000 cases for the different sub-types. We are trying to generate the sequencing for looking for the mutations, we are also looking for the proteomics for the different protein expressions. All these 1000 cases have different treatments also these cases have some survival which are very good, some are relapsed, so we have to generate these data just as Dr. Winer said we have to find the links. What we are trying to find is the analysis to look for links and which treatment is better or which is worse, and which markers are predictive, so that is what we are trying to do right now but still it is a basic work right now. It is maybe 4 or 5 years away. I am not sure but it gives some hope.




  Dr. Krop: I think there certainly is a role for real world data and big data in complementing what we have learned from clinical trials. I think it is important the populations that go on clinical trials are clearly different than in the real world unselected patients. It really is important to look at how drugs are used in the real world and what the outcomes are. As Dr. Winer also said, there are a number of confounders and potential biases in real world or big data. The quality of the data often is not as good as we would like. Right now that is a problem and a limitation in how we use real world data. I think as Dr. Shao said, their group is working very hard at getting very high quality data with molecular pathology data as well and that will be very helpful. I think as institutions across the world will move more towards electronic medical records and more sophisticated medical records, we will be able to get better data and as the analyses programs become more sophisticated we will be able to improve the quality of our real world data and again I think that can be nothing but beneficial in moving forward.




版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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