[ASCO2014]Leif P. Bergsagel博士:多发性骨髓瘤治疗进展

作者:  P.L.Bergsagel   日期:2014/6/24 15:15:28  浏览量:53900


编者按:P.Leif Bergsagel,医学博士,美国亚利桑那州梅奥诊所,致力于多发性骨髓瘤的分子发病机制的研究。在第50届ASCO年会上,做了题为“Where We Were, Where We Are, Where We Are Going: Progress in Multiple Myeloma”的精彩演讲。《肿瘤瞭望》就多发性骨髓瘤治疗进展对P.Leif Bergsagel博士进行了采访。


  : According to a study published  February 11 in Lancet Oncology, lenalidomide increases the risk for hematologic second primary malignancies. However, the risk appears to be primarily driven by co-exposure to melphalan. What’s your comment on this finding?

  《肿瘤瞭望》:根据Lancet Oncology 2月11号发布的一篇临床试验声称,来那度胺可以增加多发性骨髓瘤治疗过程中血液系统第二原发恶性肿瘤的发生风险,这种风险可能主要与马法兰的联合使用有关,对此您怎么看?

  Dr Bergsagel: There is pretty clear data from randomized studies for people who received lenalidomide, almost always after they had received melphalan, that shows that it is associated with an increased risk of second primary malignancies. But there are some more recent studies, particularly looking at newly diagnosed patients who have never seen melphalan and have only seen lenalidomide and there is no increased risk whatsoever in that setting. So it appears that exposure to melphalan and probably other DNA-damaging agents predisposes to the mechanism. However, it is worth noting that a new function of lenalidomide has been described of degrading Ikaros. Ikaros is a tumor-suppressor gene for acute leukemia. So there is a rationale for why lenalidomide would be associated with increased incidence of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in particular.


  : Recently, a modified measles virus produced complete remission at all tumor sites in a heavily pre-treated patient with myeloma, as reported in a phase I clinical trial in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. It seems to be a landmark study. What’s your opinion about this trial?


  Dr Bergsagel: That’s the pioneering work of Stephen Russell at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and something he has been working on for years. It is obviously quite complicated to manufacture the virus and get approval and he had to start at a very low titer of the virus. The idea is that this modified measles virus is different from the measles virus and only infects certain cells that express a receptor called CD46. As it turns out myeloma expresses a lot of this receptor and so is infected by the virus and replicates and kills the tumor cells, oncolysis. Quite marked responses have been seen now in two patients and I think it is going to open up a whole new therapy. It is nice to think about a virus that replicates in an exponential-type therapy against a tumor that has exponential growth.


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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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