[COMB2014]绝经前早期乳腺癌治疗的困境与突破——Hope S. Rugo教授访谈

作者:  H.S.Rugo   日期:2014/8/27 17:14:26  浏览量:75930


Hope S. Rugo教授为美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校肿瘤学教授,海伦迪勒家族综合癌症中心乳腺癌及临床试验培训组组长,晚期乳腺癌国际共识1(ABC1)编写专家组成员。

美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校海伦迪勒家族综合癌症中心Hope S. Rugo教授

  Hope S. Rugo教授为美国加利福尼亚大学旧金山分校肿瘤学教授,海伦迪勒家族综合癌症中心乳腺癌及临床试验培训组组长,晚期乳腺癌国际共识1(ABC1)编写专家组成员。

  Oncology Frontier: With regard to hormone therapy in premenopausal women with early-stage breast cancer, what are your suggestions for treatment?


  Dr Rugo: There is quite recent data suggesting we should think about hormone therapy for premenopausal women a little bit differently. The combined analysis of the two arms of the SOFT trial with the TEXT trial showed that in women with early stage breast cancer, using ovarian suppression with the aromatase inhibitor, exemestane, was superior to ovarian suppression and tamoxifen. Interestingly, the side effect profiles, although different, were not substantially different. Patient-reported outcomes were relatively similar. If you look at an in-depth analysis of that data (the median follow-up is now just over five years which is still early for patients with hormone receptor-positive disease but still intriguing) you find that distant recurrence, which is our most important outcome in our treatment choices, was lower by about 1.8%, an absolute amount. But if you look at that difference in distant recurrence in patients based not so much on nodes but getting chemotherapy or not, the patients who didn’t get chemotherapy tended to have lower risk disease. They had very few recurrences and there were no differences between the two arms. But the patients who received chemotherapy with higher risk disease had more recurrences and the difference was more striking between the two arms. My take on this right now is that for patients with higher risk disease, I would consider the approach of ovarian suppression/exemestane versus ovarian suppression/tamoxifen. One big question that remains is who should get just tamoxifen alone? That is waiting for the presentation of the SOFT trial where they compared tamoxifen to tamoxifen/ovarian suppression and a third arm of ovarian suppression/exemestane. It will be interesting to see what happens. I think that we have to deal with the issue of ovarian suppression very cautiously with young women. We want the best outcome but we also want to maintain quality of life and that is a critical issue.

  Two issues to keep in mind when treating premenopausal women with early stage hormone receptor positive breast cancer is that firstly, if you use ovarian suppression and an aromatase inhibitor, you might have recovery of ovarian function so you should monitor estradiol carefully. The second issue to consider is the duration of hormone therapy. Some people have said that that might change their approach to the use of ovarian suppression and aromatase inhibitors. It is important to remember that the median follow-up was over five years. At that time, you haven’t yet seen the added benefit of the longer duration. You are preventing relapses in the first five years and obviously extending hormone therapy can’t prevent relapses in 0-5 years because you have already had those relapses. Those are important points to keep in mind when we think about whether or not we should employ more aggressive hormone therapy or not.





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