[ESMO2014]免疫治疗将给结直肠癌患者带来什么?——Dirk Arnold教授访谈

作者:  D.Arnold   日期:2014/10/9 18:59:43  浏览量:22480


Dirk Arnold教授是德国弗莱堡肿瘤生物学中心主任,参与制定了《ESMO转移性结直肠癌诊断、治疗和随访临床实践指南》、《ESMO-ESSO-ESTRO肛门癌诊断、治疗和随访的临床实践指南》等多项指南文件,在结直肠癌的化疗、靶向治疗以及免疫治疗领域发表了多篇文献,领导了多项临床试验。在ESMO 2014上,他特别接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的采访,畅谈免疫治疗这一新兴领域在结直肠癌中的应用。

  Oncology Frontier: In recent years, we have seen the gradual rise of immuno-biological cancer therapy. Can you summarize the current status of immune therapy in the treatment of colorectal cancer and its clinical applications?


  Dr Arnold: We are in the beginning of the decade of immunotherapy and in colorectal cancer I have the feeling that this decade hasn’t really started. There is only some very premature data on checkpoint inhibitors been used in clinics on very few patients. We have more data on immune stimulants like TLR9 (toll-like receptor 9) agonists that activate the immune system by different mechanisms. This has recently shown such interesting data that we are about to start a phase III trial which will use this approach in a randomized trial for maintenance treatment in patients who underwent chemotherapy in the beginning, are under control and then will receive this new compound which will be randomized against standard of care.

  Arnold教授:我们正处在免疫治疗时代的开端,我感觉在结直肠癌领域,这个时代还没有真正的开始。目前仅有一些用于少数患者的免疫检查点阻断剂(checkpoint inhibitors)的初步研究数据。对于以其他方式激活免疫系统的免疫刺激剂(immune stimulants),如TLR-9 (toll-like receptor 9)激动剂,我们拥有更多的研究数据。目前已获得一些有趣的数据,我们准备开展一项Ⅲ期临床试验,对初治使用化疗并取得疾病控制,进而换用该类药物维持或以标准方案维持的患者进行随机比较研究。

  Oncology Frontier: Do all toxicities related to immunotherapy require permanent discontinuation of treatment?


  Dr Arnold: Actually those compounds are quite well tolerated. This is true for the very few instances of checkpoint inhibitors as well as the TLR9 agonists. We do have data from about ninety patients from a randomized phase II trial and the only toxicity was a local toxicity at the injection site and only a few had immune system stimulating adverse events (fever, sweats) but nothing of a serious nature. So that is a benefit and adds weight to these therapies.


  Oncology Frontier: What should we do in patients who do experience signs of toxicity?


  Dr Arnold: The local injection reaction is difficult to avoid as the drug has to be administered some way. It would be assumed that if the patient had been treated previously with chemotherapy, toxicities would have been substantially greater. I think these events have to be accepted. Sweats from immune system stimulation can be treated with paracetamol or something similar but this was not necessary in the majority of patients.


  Oncology Frontier: What changes can immune therapy targeting immune checkpoints bring to cancer patients?


  Dr Arnold: What we would like to see in colorectal cancer is the same as the signals we get from lung cancer and the classical indications for melanoma is that we would like to see long responses to the treatment. Generally, responses to chemotherapy or chemotherapy plus antibody are relatively short (several months). We would like to see prolonged control of the disease even in incurable patients by administering those drugs. Stimulating the immune system really brings the disease under control and the patient is then not in need of chemotherapy for a long time. How these treatments will react with chemotherapy in terms of resistance developing is a matter for further research. For example, one principle that is quite often used in metastatic colorectal cancer is anti-angiogenesis. It is not exactly chemotherapy but a more targeted approach and this works nicely in colorectal cancer. There is preclinical data that shows that checkpoint inhibition as well as TLR9 stimulation may be synergistic with anti-angiogenic drugs so we look forward to early developmental trials to see whether these do provide additional benefits for the patient.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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