[SG-BCC2015]大数据时代:大型前瞻性随机试验还能走多远? ——2015年圣加仑国际乳腺癌大会Clifford A. Hudis教授采访

作者:  C.A.Hudis   日期:2015/3/20 19:08:46  浏览量:28017


Clifford A. Hudis, MD, FACP,纪念Sloan Kettering癌症中心主治医生兼乳腺癌医学服务主任,威尔康乃尔医学院医学系教授。ASCO前任主席,现任职于ASCO特别奖项评选委员会、财务委员会及CancerLinQ咨询委员会。研究兴趣包括乳腺癌护理相关的各个领域,重点是开发新型全身治疗。Hudis教授还是《肿瘤瞭望》特邀海外顾问。

  Oncology Frontier: For HER2-positive breast cancer, anti-HER2 therapy should be included in the neo-adjuvant therapy. We know the standard duration of trastuzumab is one year in adjuvant therapy. But what is the optimal strategy and duration of trastuzumab in neo-adjuvant therapy?




  Prof Hudis: The issue of the appropriate anti-HER2 therapy for the neoadjuvant setting in extremely controversial right now, at least in the United States where pertuzumab has been approved in exactly that setting. We give systemic therapy in the early stage setting to cure people. If we stop at that thought, then that indicates to me that whatever duration you give in the pre-op setting, overall you should end up giving the exact same treatment as you would in the adjuvant patient. If one year of trastuzumab is the standard therapy in the adjuvant setting, then any patient who begins trastuzumab in the pre-op setting ought to be planning to get it for that same full year, even if some of that treatment is given after surgery. I will add something to that which is provocative. For me, the pertuzumab approval in the US, which is for 4-6 months of use in the pre-op setting, may be inadequate. It was given accelerated approval and the confirmatory data will come from APHINITY which plans for a full year of pertuzumab added to a full year of trastuzumab. If APHINITY is positive, then it is not going to be clear to me that giving 4-6 months of pertuzumab and stopping will have been of much benefit to patients. I’ve spoken on this topic for a while now and my point of view is that you give the same in the pre-op setting as you do in the post-op setting because your ultimate aim is to cure the patient’s systemic disease.




  Oncology Frontier: Obesity is related to the risk of many types of cancer, including breast cancer. More and more studies show that the negative effect of obesity is far more than increasing the risk of disease. Could you please summarize the hazards of obesity and the possible underlying mechanism?




  Prof Hudis: Obesity is actually on the path to replacing tobacco as the leading modifiable risk factor in the United States. As a reminder, a non-modifiable risk factor like age is something we can’t do anything about, but a modifiable risk factor we can. Now that we have done a better job of controlling tobacco use and abuse, we are being confronted with the problem of obesity. Obesity itself is increasing in incidence in almost all Western countries, in fact, globally. It will probably replace tobacco as the leading modifiable risk factor for many of the solid tumors that are part of our regular practice. This is especially true for endometrial cancer, but it is also true for breast cancer. In a very simple way, we have been able to uncover a link between obesity and the low-grade chronic subcutaneous inflammation in fat and other tissues, and the generation of active molecules that turn on the CYP19 gene which is the gene that codes aromatase. If this happens as described, it would be expected that there would be elevated levels of estradiol in the tissues of obese versus lean people. To some degree, we have seen this play out now in both animal models and in people.




  Oncology Frontier: In an evidence-based era, a prospective, randomized, controlled trial, or better, double-blind and large sample, can provide the most robust evidence. However, in your lecture, you questioned its role in the era of big data. Why? And what should we do to get up to date?




  Prof Hudis: The randomized clinical trial is the gold standard for the generation of evidence but it has limits. The types of patients that are accrued do not necessarily reflect those we see and treat in the real world. They are expensive and time-consuming to conduct. And we don’t have the resources to ask randomized questions about every single issue that comes up. The promise of big data is that it will allow us to fill in some of those gaps, extending observations from randomized clinical trials and, in fact, enabling us to do more efficient focused clinical trials sometimes. So it is not that it is an either/or choice; it is that they are complementary, one to the other.




  Oncology Frontier:On Saturday, the expert panel will discuss and vote for the St. Gallen International Consensus. What will be the most important update in the St. Gallen consensus this year from your perspective?




  Prof Hudis: I actually don’t know what the most important update will be. The thing about the St Gallen consensus is that we really run the whole range of local to systemic therapies and I think it depends on what you think is important. I am optimistic that we will come together and look at this wide range of data across the broad spectrum of clinical trials and clinical decisions that we make and reach consensus. One thing I have to point out is that these St Gallen conferences are influential; many people around the world rely on them. It is really an honor to take part in this meeting.



版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:高珊



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