
ICML大咖访谈丨Alexander Foss?教授解读ROR1-ADC治疗R/R DLBCL的Ⅱ期waveLINE-004研究

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/6/19 12:04:21  浏览量:5220


2023年第17届恶性淋巴瘤(ICML)国际会议正在瑞士·卢加诺盛大举行。Alexander Foss?教授在“关注大B细胞,双重打击淋巴瘤”专题会议中,带来了“Zilovertamab vedotin(MK-2140)治疗复发或难治性(R/R)弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL):Ⅱ期开放标签,waveLINE-004研究”的精彩报告。《肿瘤瞭望》在会议现场对Foss?教授进行了第一时间采访。

2023年第17届恶性淋巴瘤(ICML)国际会议正在瑞士·卢加诺盛大举行。Alexander Fosså教授在“关注大B细胞,双重打击淋巴瘤”专题会议中,带来了“Zilovertamab vedotin(MK-2140)治疗复发或难治性(R/R)弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL):Ⅱ期开放标签,waveLINE-004研究”的精彩报告。《肿瘤瞭望》在会议现场对Fosså教授进行了第一时间采访。

Fosså教授:对于R/R DLBCL,我们从分子层面对其亚型有了深入的认识,但尚未发现有合适的治疗靶点。CAR-T疗法和双特异性抗体(bi-specific antibodies)是目前研究的重点,不过仍有大量患者不适用该疗法或者对治疗无反应。因此,除了一些目前已在应用中的靶点外,我们也在探索其他潜在靶点,如血液系统肿瘤表面的ROR1抗原。
Oncology Frontier:Because of its high heterogeneity,DLBCL is divided into many subtypes,and the response of each histological type to treatment is different.What is the current treatment status of DLBCL?
If you were talking about relapsed and refractory,diffuse large piece lymphoma,we have molecular insights into these subtypes of the lymphoma.But none of them have given us any good targets.We are focusing on CAR-T and bi-specific antibodies,but also for a great number of patients,these will either be not possible to perform,or the patients will not respond to them.So therefore,new targets,apart from those that we are already using,are interesting.And the that’s why we think the ROR1 antigen on the surface of haematological malignancy is an interesting target.

Oncology Frontier:An oral study reported by your team about waveLINE-004 study in this meeting.Could you please introduce this study in detail?
Yeah,it comes from our interest to look at other targets than those there are addressed by CAR-T cells and bi-specific antibodies.It’s expressed on a large number of diffuse,large B-celllymphoma patients.It’s a surface antigen.It’s an onco-fetoprotein that is not expressed on any other adult normal tissues.That’s why an antibody drug conjugate that has been developed by Merck is an interesting target to go for.We developed a typical phase two study for patients that had either been ineligible or had really failed to respond to autologous transplant and CAR-T cells.It’s just started.So we are reporting here on this meeting,the experience in the first 40 patients.
《肿瘤瞭望》:ROR1在R/R DLBCL患者中具有良好的抗肿瘤活性和可控的安全性,是抗肿瘤药物的理想靶点。能否请您分享一下ROR1在血液肿瘤学领域的前景?

Oncology Frontier:ROR1 has good anti-tumor activity and controllable safety in relapse and refractory DLBCL patients,which is an ideal target for anti-tumor drugs.Could you share the prospect of ROR1 in the field of hematological oncology?
It is an interesting target,because it’s not the typical target that we address by CAR-T cells and by specific antibodies.It’s a completely tumor specific target,and it’s expressed not only on defuse large B-celllymphomas,but also evidently in mantle cell lymphomas.And that’s why we believe this could be an interesting,additional target to either be combined or to replace many of the things that we do with the B cell specific markers.It would also be interesting to see if it could be involved into other kinds of lymphomas such as T cell lymphomas.It holds prospects that other targets in haemato-oncology do not have.
Alexander Fosså教授


版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:卢宇



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