
CCHIO 国际视野丨Aigul Shinbolatova教授:“一带一路”推进中哈癌症防治事业再攀高峰

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/11/20 17:27:11  浏览量:3902


2023年11月16—19日,由中国抗癌协会主办,天津医科大学肿瘤医院、天津市抗癌协会、中国整合医学发展战略研究院承办的2023中国整合肿瘤学大会(CCHIO)在天津举行,哈萨克斯坦肿瘤放射研究院的Aigul Shinbolatova教授将带来“哈萨克癌症诊疗现状(Current situation of cancer care in Kazakhstan)”的报告。《肿瘤瞭望》在大会前夕采访了Aigul Shinbolatova教授,分享更多中哈在“一带一路”背景下的癌症防治合作。

编者按:2023年11月16—19日,由中国抗癌协会主办,天津医科大学肿瘤医院、天津市抗癌协会、中国整合医学发展战略研究院承办的2023中国整合肿瘤学大会(CCHIO)在天津举行,哈萨克斯坦肿瘤放射研究院的Aigul Shinbolatova教授将带来“哈萨克癌症诊疗现状(Current situation of cancer care in Kazakhstan)”的报告。《肿瘤瞭望》在大会前夕采访了Aigul Shinbolatova教授,分享更多中哈在“一带一路”背景下的癌症防治合作。
Editor’s Note:2023 Chinese Congress of Holistic integrative Oncology(2023 CCHIO)will be held in Tianjin from November 16th to 19th,2023.Professor Aigul Shinbolatova from who is Kazakh Institute of Oncology and Radiology,will deliver a speech(Current situation of cancer care in Kazakhstan)at this congress.Professor Aigul Shinbolatova was interviewed by Oncology Frontier on the eve of 2023 CCHIO.
Oncology Frontier:Could you please introduce the current status of cancer diagnosis and treatment in Kazakhstan?
Prof.Aigul Shinbolatova:亲爱的同道们,亲爱的CHHIO的参会者们!感谢中国抗癌协会盛情邀请我参加本次大会,感谢你对我的采访。
Prof.Aigul Shinbolatova:Dear colleagues and participants of Chinese Congress on Holistic Integrative Oncology!Let me express my deep gratitude and respect to China Anti-Cancer Association for their kind invitation to the Congress and thank you for the interview!
Current situation of cancer care in Kazakhstan are the following.Every year in Kazakhstan more than 37 thousand people suffer from cancer.More than 19 thousand people die.The number of registered cancer patients continues to grow and by the end of 2022 their number exceed 205 thousand peopleIn the emerging cancer incidence,breast cancer is in first place,lung cancer is in second,colorectal cancer is in third,and stomach cancer is in fourth place.
As a result of mortality,the first place is consistently lung cancer,the second is stomach cancer,the third is colorectal cancer,the fourth is breast cancer.Oncological care for the population is provided free of charge and all expenses covered by the government.Cancer care provided by the republican organizations:the Kazakh Research Institute of Oncology and Radiology,the National Scientific Oncology Center,15 oncology dispensaries(centers),5 oncology departments at multidisciplinary hospitals.Also,oncological care is provided by primary health care organizations(PHC),which operate 2,378 examination rooms,as well as 499 oncology rooms.
Just recently,“The national cancer plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023–2027”was approved by the Government.National cancer plan is aimed to modernizing the service,consists of five main areas:prevention and management of risk factors,early diagnosis,development of specialized treatment,palliative care and rehabilitation,development of human resources and scien.The epidemiological situation,as well as successful world experience and recommendations,became the basis for screening programs in Kazakhstan currently implementing:
·Since 2008(two thousand and eight)cervical cancer screening based on the Pap test among women aged thirty to seventy years with an interval of 4 years;
·Since 2008(two thousand and eight)–mammographic screening of breast cancer among women forty to seventy years old with an interval of 2 years;
·Since 2011(twenty-eleven),colorectal cancer screening based on FIT followed by total colonoscopy in case of a positive test.The target group of screening are men and women aged fifty to seventy,the examination interval is 2 years.

Oncology Frontier:There are similarities in population,geography,and economy between China and Kazakhstan.In terms of the cancer diagnosis and treatment in both countries,including the application of cancer guidelines,Is there any value in learning from each other?
Prof.Aigul Shinbolatova:相当有趣的问题!首先,我们都是亚洲人,善良,友好,灵活。我们无法比较我们两国的人口数量。如你所知,哈萨克斯坦大约有1900万人,根据联合国的最新数据,中国目前的人口是1 425 505 334人。我们有共同的边界,我们有非常密切的人际和经济联系,这是非常好的,我们可以在文化和对健康生活方式的态度方面相互学习。当然,我们可以分享我们的专业经验,开展联合科研项目,并交流年轻的专业人士。顺便说一下,几个月前,我们的一位年轻外科医生在北京大学人民医院接受了骨关节疾病综合治疗的培训。上周,我们举办了第九届肿瘤放射学家大会,三名专家代表中国,一名同事在肿瘤妇科会议上发言。
Prof.Aigul Shinbolatova:Quite interesting question!First,we are all Asian people,nice,friendly and flexible.We cannot compare our countries in terms of number of population)In Kazakhstan,as you know around 19 million people,the current population of China is 1,425,505,334 by the latest United Nations data.We have common border and we have very close interpersonal and economic connection,which is very good and we can learn a lot from each other as in terms of culture and attitude to healthy lifestyle,and of course,we can share our professional experience,conduct joint scientific research projects,and exchange young professionals.By the way,couple of month ago,one of our young surgeon had training at Peking University People’s Hospital on Comprehensive treatment for bone and joint diseases.Last week,we have conducted the 9th Congress of Oncologists and radiologists and three delegates were represent China and one colleague had a talk on the Oncogynecology session.
Oncology Frontier:CACA has carried out cooperation and exchanges with Kazakhstan through the"Belt and Road".What do you think of this cooperation and exchange model?
Prof.Aigul Shinbolatova:我们非常高兴。我们与美国和一些欧洲国家有很多合作关系,以往我们与中国没有联系。现在,有了这次合作,我们有了更多交流机会,我很高兴。2023年8月,我们接待了来自新疆和上海的肿瘤专家代表团。在会议期间,讨论了我们合作的一些方面。会议的结果是,我们两个机构的主任签署了合作备忘录。
Prof.Aigul Shinbolatova:We are very glad.We have a lot of partnership with the United States and some European countries and we didn’t have a connection with China.Now,with this cooperation,we have the opportunity and I’m very glad.On August 2023 we hosted delegation from oncological hospital of Xinjiang medical University and from Shanghai Institute.During the meeting,number of aspects of our cooperation discussed.As a result of the meeting,Memorandum of cooperation were signed by the two directors of our Institutions.
We are looking forward for our long-term partnership in different directions of oncological care.Thank you very much and good luck to everyone!



版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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