
ABC7学科交叉丨对话人工智能专家Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/11/30 10:53:07  浏览量:4164


在近期举行的第七届晚期乳腺癌国际共识会议(ABC7)上,《肿瘤瞭望》栏目组采访了医学人工智能(AI)领域的知名专家Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士。Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士结合自己的工作背景、工作经验和领域内的贡献,发表了关于医学AI的宝贵见解,分享了他关于AI如何影响医疗行业的看法,参与中国医疗改革的经历,在IBM的工作经验,以及在指导和支持初创公司方面的建议。

在近期举行的第七届晚期乳腺癌国际共识会议(ABC7)上,《肿瘤瞭望》栏目组采访了医学人工智能(AI)领域的知名专家Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士。Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士结合自己的工作背景、工作经验和领域内的贡献,发表了关于医学AI的宝贵见解,分享了他关于AI如何影响医疗行业的看法,参与中国医疗改革的经历,在IBM的工作经验,以及在指导和支持初创公司方面的建议。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:我自上世纪90年代以来一直深耕医学AI领域。那时,这个领域的研究相对稀少,但我在攻读博士学位的过程中开展了一些研究工作。我研究的重点是将数据与证据和知识相连接,我认为若要AI变得有意义和可靠,这种数据的连接是必须的。多年来,我也一直在支持多边组织和政府建立数据耦联医疗创新的数据生态系统。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:我的工作主要围绕国际性有长期影响的项目。有一个非常重要的项目是我目前正在主持的IEEE标准协会医疗与生命科学全球实践的一个工作流,该项目旨在建立数据循环利用和开放创新生态系统的新标准。通过促进协作并连接创新理念,我们可以创造积极变革,并发展造福人类的技术。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:在2015年,我参与了世界银行和世界卫生组织的一项倡议,旨在改革中国的卫生系统;重点是利用以患者为中心的技术来改善护理。我们建议创建电子健康记录的基础设施,同时创建在更大范围内互联的本地创新生态系统。尽管在如此庞大的医疗系统中产生重大改变存在挑战,但即使是小的变革和能力建设也能产生积极的结果。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:我在IBM的经历令人难忘,公司对我的影响贯穿我整个职业生涯。在IBM工作时,我有幸为中央银行和伦敦南岸艺术中心工作。我对IBM的文化印象深刻,它强调技术要能造福社会,而不仅仅是关注利润。对大公司来说,在对社会产生影响的先进技术上投资时间和精力是非常重要的。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:我曾担任几家医疗和技术领域初创公司的导师和教练。一个特别重要的经历是与Edison加速器合作,我们作为临床验证合作伙伴,在与NHS合作时见证了卓越的创新。协助初创公司完善他们的理念并支持其发展,是一项有益的工作,我们的核心焦点一直是让技术为人类的改善而工作,创造更美好的未来。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:作为主题演讲者,我报告的主题与医学AI有关,涵盖范围很广。虽然某些特别的主题在这次采访中没有提到,但我的焦点始终围绕着使技术为人类服务和推动积极变革。重要的是要优先考虑技术进步的社会影响,并促进合作以塑造更加美好的未来。


Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:主题演讲旨在引入独特的东西,打破事件的流程而不破坏其本质。这是一项具有挑战性的任务,因为需要足够的经验来找出真正重要并能够产生影响的问题。成为一位杰出的主题演讲者意味着具有处理这些关键主题的专业知识,有时可能会无聊,因为相似的信息可能会在多个活动中重复。


Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:当然。在主题演讲中,一致性至关重要。每次我发表主题演讲时,我努力找出对我最重要的问题,并倡导在这个领域取得进展。如果我已经成功地解决了这些问题,我的主题演讲将庆祝我们解决了数据使用范式的问题。


Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:当然。对我来说,每次导师经历都影响深远并且难忘。我最近加入了IEEE学生导师计划,并有幸与年轻人一起工作。曾经我也是一个抱着要实现不可能的梦想开始自己职业生涯的人,我能够理解那些勇敢的年轻人所面临的恐惧和挑战。正是这些时刻让我想起了别人对我的信任,我也希望通过指导和支持学生、年轻专业人士和企业家回馈这种信任。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:这是个很好的问题。作为导师,我遇到过两种类型的人。那些抱怨事情没有改变的人可能不相信他们有能力去改变。然而,那些认为通过小步骤阶梯式前进实现目标的人才是真正理解创业过程的人。当我与那些人合作时,他们理解这些小步骤在创造更大影响方面的重要性,导师的工作充满惊喜。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:当他们努力传达他们的想法时,不能因为可能遇到的障碍和困难而灰心。相反,关键是为达成目的而奋斗,并对事业有坚定的信心。无论世界在他们期望的方向上变化多少,他们都可以选择积极主动,产生更大的影响力。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:时间和投入在事业成就过程中发挥重要作用。我们经常听说梦想因为时间不够而无法实现,要真正实现理想,创业者必须走出舒适区,投入时间和精力,产生影响力。重要的是对他们的事业有信心,积极变革。

Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士:AI未来在医疗保健领域会变得越来越引人入胜。世界卫生组织(WHO)等在收集数据、解决健康不平等,并促进政策落地以提供全面医疗保障等方面做出了卓越的贡献。然而,我们仍然缺乏对高质量证据的访问。面对不断变化的公共卫生挑战,加速技术发展,积极发挥AI的作用,能帮助我们克服这些挑战,改善全球健康结果。
总的来说,这次采访深入探讨了AI在医学中的作用,Dimitris Kalogerpoulos博士为主题演讲和创业指导提供了宝贵的见解。主题演讲者在打破事件一贯性和解决重要问题方面发挥着至关重要的作用,特别是对年轻人的指导使他们能够追求梦想并产生积极影响。
In a recent interview,a renowned expert in the field of artificial intelligence(AI)and medicine provided valuable insights into their background,experience,and contributions.The discussion explores the impact of AI in the healthcare industry,the expert’s involvement in shaping health reforms in China,their industry experience at IBM,and their role in advising and mentoring startups.This article offers a comprehensive overview of the dialogue,amplifying key points and perspectives shared by Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos.
Discussion between Oncology Frontier and Dr Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:
Oncology Frontier:In the media,we often see AI being utilized in projects like editing and proofreading.Can you tell us about your background and experience in artificial intelligence in medicine?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:I have been immersed in the field of artificial intelligence in medicine since the 1990s.At that time,it was a relatively rare domain,but I pursued research work as part of my PhD.My focus was on connecting data to evidence and knowledge,which I believed to be essential for AI to be meaningful and responsible.Over the years,I have continued to support multilateral organizations and governments in building data ecosystems for data-coupled innovations in healthcare.
Oncology Frontier:Could you provide examples of projects where you have made significant impacts,both locally and globally?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:My work primarily centers around projects with international and long-term impact.One notable project is my current involvement in chairing a work stream within the IEEE Standards Association’s Health Care and Life Sciences Global Practice.This initiative aims to establish a new standard for data recycling and open innovation ecosystems.By fostering collaboration and connecting innovative ideas,we can create positive change and deliver technology that benefits humanity.
Oncology Frontier:How were you involved in shaping health reforms in China?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:I participated in a World Bank and World Health Organization(WHO)initiative in 2015,which aimed to transform the health system in China.The focus was on leveraging patient-centric technology for improved care.We recommended the establishment of an infrastructure for electronic health records,along with the creation of local innovation ecosystems that could be interconnected on a larger scale.Although effecting significant change in such a vast healthcare system presented challenges,even small changes and capacity building can lead to positive transformations.
Oncology Frontier:Can you describe your industry experience at IBM?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:My experience at IBM was remarkable,and the company’s influence stays with you throughout your career.During my time there,I worked in the central banking sector and had the privilege of being part of the South Bank Center.I was impressed by IBM’s culture,which emphasizes making technology useful for society rather than solely focusing on profit.It is crucial for large companies to invest time and effort in areas that prioritize the societal impact of their advancements.
Oncology Frontier:Could you share your involvement with startups and the value you bring to these organizations?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:I have served as a mentor and coach for several startups in the healthcare and technology sectors.One particularly notable experience was with the Edison Accelerator,where we witnessed remarkable innovation in collaboration with the NHS as a clinical validation partner.Assisting startups in refining their ideas and supporting their progress has been a rewarding endeavor.The core focus has always been on making technology work for the betterment of humanity and creating a more promising future.
Oncology Frontier:As a distinguished keynote speaker,what are the typical topics you cover?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:As a keynote speaker,I cover a broad range of topics related to AI in medicine.While specific subjects were not discussed in this interview,my focus consistently revolves around making technology work for humanity and driving positive change.It is vital to prioritize the societal impact of technological advancements and foster collaboration to shape a brighter future.
Oncology Frontier:Can you explain what it means to be a keynote speaker and how it breaks the consistency of an event?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:Keynotes are meant to introduce something unique and disrupt the flow of an event without disturbing its essence.It’s a challenging task as it requires enough experience to single out the issues that truly matter and make a difference.Being distinguished as a keynote speaker means having the expertise to address these crucial topics,which can sometimes be tiring as similar messages may be repeated across multiple events.
Oncology Frontier:I see.So,each time you give a keynote,you have to be consistent and focus on the problems that matter to you.Can you elaborate on the role of consistency in keynote speaking and the need to address specific problems?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:Absolutely.Consistency is crucial in keynote speaking.Each time I give a keynote,I strive to single out the problem that is most important to me and advocate for progress in that area.If I had already succeeded in addressing those problems,my keynote would celebrate the fact that we’ve solved the data use paradigm issues.
Oncology Frontier:Moving on to mentoring,could you share any memorable experiences or impactful moments you’ve had as a mentor?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:Certainly.Every mentoring experience is impactful and memorable to me.I recently joined the IEEE student mentoring program and have had the pleasure of working with young people.Having started my own career with dreams of achieving the impossible,I can empathize with the fears and challenges faced by brave young individuals.It’s these moments that remind me of the trust others placed in me,and I aim to return that trust by guiding and supporting students,young professionals,and entrepreneurs.
Oncology Frontier:That’s inspiring.In your opinion,what differentiates individuals who complain about things not changing from those who understand that making an impact is a gradual process?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:It’s a great question.As a mentor,I encounter two types of people.The ones who complain about things not changing may not believe they have what it takes to make a difference.However,those who understand that impact is achieved through baby steps and gradual progress are the ones who truly comprehend the process.Mentoring becomes truly amazing when I work with individuals who grasp the importance of these small steps in creating a larger impact.
Oncology Frontier:Working with young people must offer unique insights.Do you agree that they often have more ideas but may not be aware of the obstacles they might face?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:I don’t believe that the blockages they faced in their past are necessarily relevant.The obstacles and difficulties they encounter when getting their ideas out there shouldn’t deter them.Instead,it’s about fighting to get their message across and believing in their cause.Whether the world has changed little or significantly in their desired direction,they can choose to be proactive and make a difference.
Oncology Frontier:That’s an interesting perspective.So,it’s crucial for individuals to take action and create an impact.Can you explain how time and commitment play a role in this process?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:Time and commitment are pivotal in making an impact.We often hear about dreams that never become a reality because time runs out.To truly make a difference,individuals must get out there,invest their time and energy,and make their impact.It’s important to believe in their cause and dedicate themselves to it,as the system itself requires individuals to make the necessary changes.
Oncology Frontier:Absolutely.Shifting gears,what are your thoughts on the future of AI in healthcare and its potential impact on global health outcomes?
Dr.Dimitris Kalogerpoulos:The future of AI in healthcare is becoming increasingly intriguing.Organizations like the WHO are doing commendable work in collecting data,addressing health inequalities,and pursuing policies that aim to provide universal healthcare coverage.
Oncology Frontier:Thank you for sharing your insights.It’s clear that technology,such as AI,presents a significant opportunity for healthcare.Your experiences and perspectives have provided valuable insights into keynote speaking and impactful mentoring as well.
In conclusion,this interview provides valuable insights into the role of artificial intelligence in medicine,The dialogue between the journalist and the expert provided valuable insights into the world of keynote speaking and impactful mentoring.Keynote speakers play a crucial role in breaking the consistency of events and addressing important issues.Mentoring,especially for young individuals,empowers them to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact.The expert’s thoughts on the future of AI in healthcare highlighted the need for faster progress and a better understanding of the impacts of technology on global health outcomes.Overall,the conversation shed light on the significance of experience,resilience,and belief in creating meaningful change.



版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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