

作者:  C.Manegold   日期:2015/11/18 20:29:41  浏览量:22659


11月13日~14日,第七届中德肺癌论坛在上海成功举办。德国海德堡大学Christian Manegold教授为本次论坛的主席之一。

  11月13日~14日,第七届中德肺癌论坛在上海成功举办。德国海德堡大学Christian Manegold教授为本次论坛的主席之一。 Manegold教授做主题报告:“抗EGFR和抗VEGF治疗晚期NSCLC:有临床应用前景的新药(EGFR-VEGF-targeted therapy in advanced NSCLC: New promising clinically available agents)”,并接受《肿瘤瞭望》的专访。












  现阶段有两种治疗晚期NSCLC有效的血管生成抑制剂:雷莫芦单抗(Ramucirumab)和Nintedanib。雷莫芦单抗是一种全人源化IgG1单克隆抗体,后者是一种口服三联血管激酶抑制剂。雷莫芦单抗的REVEL试验和Nintedanib的LUME-Lung 1/2试验都取得阳性结果。两种药物的注册程序正在进行中。Nintedanib联合多西他赛的方案在欧洲被批准,雷莫芦单抗联合多西他赛的方案在美国被批准。我们亟需鳞状NSCLC患者的治疗新药,所幸全人源抗EGFR抗体Necitumumab的SQUIRE试验取得阳性结果。在SQUIRE试验中,我们采取顺铂和吉西他滨±Necitumumab一线治疗晚期肺鳞癌。我们期待Necitumumab联合顺铂/吉西他滨化疗的方案能很快被FDA批准,我们治疗晚期鳞状非小细胞肺癌将前进一小步。





  Oncology Frontier: Is there any difference between this 7th Forum compared with the previous six? Is there any progress?



  Dr Manegold: This is a very important question. I am absolutely delighted to say that there is great progress. From seven years ago in Shanghai to this seventh meeting, it has been a story of success in terms of the logistics of the conference, the number of participants, the quality of the speakers from China and overseas, the knowledge of the English language of the Chinese speakers as well as great progress in the scientific knowledge from our Chinese participants in the preclinical and clinical settings and ability to develop scientific programs across China. So in general, there has been progress across the board.



  Oncology Frontier: How can the Chinese and German physicians cooperate further?



  Dr Manegold: We are already cooperating well at different levels. We cooperate at the academic level in universities but we also cooperate through international societies and global trials. There are a great number of opportunities already present for scientific and clinical cooperation but having meetings like this really stimulates cooperation and friendship. Friendship is the best factor for cooperation. Today, there has been a contract signed between a very famous Polish Medical University in Bialystok and the Tongji University here in Shanghai. Both universities are of a high scientific standard and this is another step forward in the cooperation between nations and not only between Germany and China. Everyone involved with this new contract are very happy.



  Oncology Frontier: What’s the perspect of EGFR-VEGF-targeted therapy for NSCLC treatment?



  Dr Manegold: We have had a lot of progress in the management and treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer and we are now treating by histology and genotype, but there is still no cure. We can extend survival but there is still no cure. There is a lot of work to do to reach the goal of cure. Over the years we have not seen a big step forward, just small progressive steps. We are at the stage where we now have two new antiangiogenic agents, ramucirumab and nintedanib. One is an oral agent and the other is a monoclonal antibody and they are now in positive clinical trials and the process of registration is ongoing for both agents. Nintedanib has been registered in Europe in combination with docetaxel and ramucirumab in the United States with docetaxel. There is a great need for new options with squamous tumors and we are happy to have the positive results from the SQUIRE trial where we combined cisplatin/gemcitabine with necitumumab in first-line therapy, so we expect registration for this combination by the FDA soon. This will be another small step forward in the treatment of advanced squamous non-small cell lung cancer.



  现阶段有两种治疗晚期NSCLC有效的血管生成抑制剂:雷莫芦单抗(Ramucirumab)和Nintedanib。雷莫芦单抗是一种全人源化IgG1单克隆抗体,后者是一种口服三联血管激酶抑制剂。雷莫芦单抗的REVEL试验和Nintedanib的LUME-Lung 1/2试验都取得阳性结果。两种药物的注册程序正在进行中。Nintedanib联合多西他赛的方案在欧洲被批准,雷莫芦单抗联合多西他赛的方案在美国被批准。我们亟需鳞状NSCLC患者的治疗新药,所幸SQUIRE试验取得阳性结果。在SQUIRE试验中,我们采取顺铂和吉西他滨±Necitumumab一线治疗晚期肺鳞癌。我们期待Necitumumab联合顺铂/吉西他滨化疗的方案能很快被FDA批准,我们治疗晚期鳞状非小细胞肺癌将前进一小步。

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴



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