[ASH 2015] 美国ECOG骨髓瘤委员会主席S. Vincent Rajkumar教授访谈:骨髓瘤诊断标准及治疗的最新进展

作者:  S.V.Rajkumar   日期:2015/12/30 18:40:41  浏览量:25470






  In patients with smoldering multiple myeloma, for the high-risk patients you need to follow the serum monoclonal (M) protein, the serum free light chain (FLC) ratio, CBC, creatinine and calcium and monitor those every 3-4 months. Every year or two, you need to check the bones with either a low-dose CT-scan or PET CT-scan to make sure there is no progression.





  The intervention for smoldering multiple myeloma should start when patients meet the actual diagnostic criteria for myeloma. The diagnostic criteria for myeloma have been revised so you can actually start therapy before end-organ damage happens. So, monitor high-risk smoldering myeloma patients carefully and the moment they develop actual evidence of multiple myeloma in terms of meeting the myeloma defining events, then you start therapy. You start therapy in the same way you do for myeloma therapy.





  目前我们尚不明确利用二代测序对于冒烟型骨髓瘤以及MGUS病人进行免疫球蛋白重链重排进行密切监测是否有意义。因为众多的突变浆细胞所携带的遗传信息可能不同于单个细胞的突变,而比较单个突变浆细胞与多发性骨髓瘤细胞的差异可能我们还不能做到。因此,目前有关多发性骨髓瘤的诊断我们多应用临床上的分子标志物,如FLC比值、del(17p)、 t(4:14) 等,而非分子细胞学标志物。


  It is more like mutations within the plasma cells rather than somatic hypermutation. There are a number of mutations that happen in the plasma cell from the stage of embers that cause the embers, the benign clonal cells, to become malignant multiple myeloma cells. These include BRAF mutations, p53 mutations, mutations in MYC and then there are DKK1 abnormalities. Many different changes happen that make an embers clonal cell a multiple myeloma cell.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>  We don&rsquo;t know yet whether to detect evidence of oligoclonality at the Ig heavy chain loci by next-generation sequencing (NGS) for patients make sense or not. The problem is that the ember cells almost always have all the genetic changes that a malignant cell has, so if you try to differentiate between a pre-malignant ember cell and a myeloma cell on a cellular basis, we are not able to. There are only some changes that are really specific for a myeloma cell. At present, we are using more clinical biomarkers like the serum free light chain ratio, the cytogenetic abnormalities [like del(17p), t(4:14), gain 1q], and circulating plasma cells to classify patients into high-risk or low-risk, rather than molecular cellular biomarkers.





  We have seen that there is heterogeneity in all patient myelomas. In every patient with myeloma, when you see a clone, it is already heterogeneous; there are many clones already present. The real point is to apply the best available treatments and at this meeting, we have shown that triplet therapies are important. We are using three drugs. Hopefully one will target one clone and then followed with stem cell transplantation and maintenance. We assume clonal heterogeneity is there in all patients with myeloma. We don&rsquo;t need to check for it; we assume it is there. I don&rsquo;t think monitoring different clones over time to see which is more dominant is practical. It is more of a research test.


  专家简介:S. Vincent Rajkumar,MD 美国东部肿瘤协作组(ECOG)骨髓瘤委员会主席,梅奥诊所癌症中心多发性骨髓瘤淀粉样蛋白异常血症组主席,血液肿瘤专家,内科学教授,主要从事多发性骨髓瘤的临床试验与新的治疗策略研究,以及多发性骨髓瘤淀粉样蛋白异常血症的研究,担任Leukemia杂志编委,已发表文章374篇。</p>

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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