
作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/3/19 23:10:58  浏览量:22750









  会议的目的是不受政府和药企控制地整合早期乳腺癌最佳治疗的最新信息和临床及基础发展。正如大会联席主席Hans-Jorg Senn教授在开幕致辞中所说:“达成一个临床试验之外的,有用的、更新的乳腺癌最佳管理治疗共识。”这意味着将为全球90%以上的乳腺癌患者服务。

  开幕式上, 来自澳大利亚的Alan S. Coates教授获得了第14届圣加仑奖。他的获奖演说回顾了会议的发展,分析了面临的挑战。


  “证据、争议和共识”是会议的座右铭,这也是开幕式结束后首场学术讨论会“2013年St.Gallen会议以来的新进展”的主题。例如,来自美国的前任ASCO主席Clifford A. Hudis在演讲中问道“大数据:大型前瞻性随机试验在未来会过时吗?”








  One of the most important breast cancer conferences in the world opened its doors on Wednesday in Vienna, Austria.


  The 14th St. Gallen conference welcomed the 3200 delegates from 135 countries for three days of top-level expert presentations.


  This year the congress found a new home in Vienna. With now between 3000-4000 delegates at every congress, it had simply outgrown the capacities of the historic town of St. Gallen, where it started in 1978 with 79 participants, and the organisers had to move it.


  The breast cancer conference has become truly international. After Switzerland, China has the second largest contingent of delegates with 242 participants. Other countries include Japan, Argentina, Indonesia and Egypt.


  The aim of the conference is to integrate the latest information and clinical and scientific developments in the optimal therapy in early breast cancer, without political or industry pressures. And as Prof. Hans-Joerg Senn in the opening ceremony stressed “leading to a useful, updated treatment consensus for the optimal management of breast cancer outside of clinical trials.” This means more than 90% of breast cancer patients worldwide.


  The 14th St. Gallen award went to Prof. Alan S. Coates from Australia who talked about the evolution of the conference and its challenges in his opening address.


  ‘Evidence, controversies and consensus’ is the motto of the conference and already in its first session on Wednesday, ‘The news since St. Gallen 2013’, did we hear Prof. Clifford A. Hudis from the USA ask in his lecture: Big data: Are large prospective randomized trials obsolete in the future?


  The conference certainly doesn’t shy away from tackling the big issues.


  St. Gallen will close on Saturday with the St. Gallen expert panel consensus, consisting of some 30 experts from 22 nations that will discuss and update the guidelines on how to best treat early breast cancer. The publication of the consensus recommendations is eagerly awaited around the world. Over the years it has helped to standardise breast cancer treatment internationally.


  This year won’t be an exception. ?

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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