[CSCO 2015]胚系和体细胞突变数据与癌症管理策略

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/9/22 17:33:10  浏览量:23813


美国北卡罗来纳大学药学院个体化及药物基因组学研究所Howard L. Mcleod博士在肿瘤医生与大数据专场(Oncologist Plus Big Data)做专题报告,题目为“胚系和体细胞性肿瘤基因组数据用于癌症管理(Using Germ-Line and Somatic Genomic Data for management of patients with cancer)”,并接受《肿瘤瞭望》的专访。









  Howard L. Mcleod博士,药学博士,来自美国北卡罗来纳大学药学院个体化及药物基因组学研究所。长期从事肿瘤药物基因组学研究;过去20多年中,在世界顶级科学杂志上发表论文超过400篇,获得NIH基因支持超过2千万美元,主持、参与国家重大项目10余项,并在全球37个国家受邀做报告超过900场。



  Oncology Frontier: Thank you for your time and join with us for the interview. Can you talk about Germline and somatic data and explain what it means for individualized therapy?


  Howard L. Mcleod: Yes, I think we all know that the patients have DNA, and each DNA has important for the outlook features, such as hair color, eye color. But the DNA inside each cell is important for whether someone get the toxicity from medicine. So um, the intended medicine may cause harm because of some DNA have changes. And when the cancer forms, further DNA changes occur, (that) can they be used as identity for cancer? Or, hopefully, also to identify which medicine that patient may benefit from. So the DNA changes could be measured, not only helps identify or what’s going on with the patient, but also hopefully help us to make it  safe ineffective medicine.


  Oncology Frontier: So, some somatic variants are clinically significant and provide genetic information that cannot be obtained from the Germline data, is it possible to fully rely on one or the other when provide comprehensive treatment?


  Howard L. Mcleod: It depends on your goal. If your goal is only pick which medicine will have good chance to shrink the tumor, without regard to the toxicity, they more can focus just on the tumor DNA. If you also want to balance the adverse events, then you need to look at both DNAs. Then the thing especially important now is that there are so many medicines to choose from. Back to when it is only one medicine, benefit is the only thing we could think about. But now there are multiple different medicines, it is a demon song; you have many different (medicines) to choose from. So you need to have many types of reliable data to make this dicision.


  Oncology Frontier: So, pharmacogenetics is a field still in its infancy. Recently costs for whole genome sequencing have been reduced making it a more feasible treatment. How can we investigate the amount of genetic information we can now obtain and translate that into better care?


  Howard L. Mcleod: well, you reached a very important issue, that we can generate a lot of data, but that doesn’t necessary mean it is easy to turn that into a clinical decision. So, even we sequence the entire genome of patient, we often just focus down on the few thousand locations of genome, where we know we can act on that information. So the important part of this analysis is having big data analysis basis, and analyze these large big data basis, in which to understand when is the genetic variants have action for toxicity, for efficacy, for some other important point; and when it is just a noise, that we just need to try to ignore in order to look forward.


  Oncology Frontier: Where do you see this area of cancer management developing?


  Howard L. Mcleod: Well, I think the important part what is happening now is choosing from the amount of therapeutic options. And that is important, because in the past we chose the medicine we are almost familiar with, or the ones that we think we can obtain for the patients. Whereas that hasn’t already focused on probability of patients or benefit from that medicine, and that is now changing with genetic information. We all know is that ten percent chance or nighty percent chance, is the big difference, obviously. Um, if it is ten percent, try to move to something with the higher chance of benefit. So if we give the data today, we don’t always use it tomorrow. And we need to be designing clinical databases, so that we will obtain the information from the patients. It benefits them every single time to getting care, so the both the useless data or time is something will be very important for helping management of patient more effectively.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴



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