[CSMO2014]结直肠癌化疗敏感性和不良反应预测与新药推出—— David J. Kerr教授访谈

作者:  DavidJ.Kerr   日期:2014/7/21 16:25:36  浏览量:98571


编者按:David J. Kerr,英国牛津大学癌症医学教授,欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO)前任主席,致力于癌症的细胞生物学、基因学、临床药理和临床试验的设计。Kerr教授在本届“中国肿瘤内科大会(CSMO)”上作了题为“Identification of Fluoropyrimidine Chemosensitivity Biomarkers for Colorectal Cancer”的报告,并于会后接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的采访。

  Oncology Frontier: Targeted therapy is the hottest and most rapidly developing area in oncology today. The US FDA has approved several novel targeted drugs based on the pathological complete response rate (pCR) from clinical trials. Do you think the FDA rushed a little with the novel targeted drugs, since some trials showed that pCR did not always translate into clinical benefit, such as improvement of survival?
  Dr Kerr: I think, by and large, the FDA is a great organization but it is always a lose-lose situation for them; they are damned if they do and they are damned if they don’t. They are under pressure to approve as many exciting interesting new drugs as possible, but at the same time, to make them as absolutely safe as possible. Looking at clinically impactful endpoints, people are often looking at surrogates; endpoints that can be assessed much more quickly in much smaller patient cohorts. Looking at pathological complete response seems a very logical way to measure the effectiveness of a new cancer drug. The problem is whether we can correlate pCR with long-term clinical benefit like improved overall survival and quality of life. The jury is still out on that. In some situations in some cancers the answer is yes, but in many not. Therefore, I don’t think we could use pCR across the board as an effective surrogate marker for something like survival.
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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉


结直肠癌QUASR 2研究卡培他滨贝伐单抗靶向治疗

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