[COMB2014]单细胞基因测序在乳腺癌中的转化应用——Nicholas E. Navin博士访谈

作者:  N.E.Navin   日期:2014/8/15 12:06:14  浏览量:67301


编者按:Nicholas E. Navin博士,MD Anderson癌症中心研究员、AACR会员,致力于试验单细胞和隔代测序技术研究乳腺癌等实体瘤的基因进化和基因多样化。在“第二届乳腺癌个体化治疗大会”上,Navin博士作了题为“Investigating Breast Cancer Evolution With Single Cell Genomes”的精彩演讲,《肿瘤瞭望》就此采访了Nicholas E. Navin博士。

  Oncology Frontier: Could you explain a little bit more detail about the intra-tumor heterogeneity and modeling tumor progression?

  Dr. Navin: Initially people thought that a single normal cell in the tissue, would acquire mutations and that single cell, after it gets enough mutations, would grow and clonally expand to form the tumor mass and it would outcompete any other cell types that are present, this big homogeneous mass of tumor cells. But as technologies have been developing and especially with next-generation sequencing, it’s been shown that there’s intra-tumor heterogeneity in breast cancer and many other cancer types, both spatially in different regions within the tumor and even intermixed in very specific locations. So it’s clear that this intra-tumor heterogeneity exists.

  The big question in the field right now is why does it exist, why does one clone not outcompete all the other ones? One of the interesting theories is that perhaps tumor cells are cooperating to drive tumor growth and they might have some type of symbiotic relationship. And those studies are just forthcoming now, I would say. A large body of data shows that intra-tumor heterogeneity exists, and it’s certainly a problem, especially for diagnostics, because when you sample different regions you might get different mutations and the patient might respond better to certain mutations than other ones.




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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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