[COMB2014]单细胞基因测序在乳腺癌中的转化应用——Nicholas E. Navin博士访谈

作者:  N.E.Navin   日期:2014/8/15 12:06:14  浏览量:67296


编者按:Nicholas E. Navin博士,MD Anderson癌症中心研究员、AACR会员,致力于试验单细胞和隔代测序技术研究乳腺癌等实体瘤的基因进化和基因多样化。在“第二届乳腺癌个体化治疗大会”上,Navin博士作了题为“Investigating Breast Cancer Evolution With Single Cell Genomes”的精彩演讲,《肿瘤瞭望》就此采访了Nicholas E. Navin博士。

MD Anderson癌症中心Nicholas E. Navin博士访谈

  Oncology Frontier: Your lab at M.D. Anderson is working on some very advanced sequencing. Would you give us a brief introduction to it and to the single-cell sequencing tool and its purpose in clinical practice?

  Dr. Navin: Most sequencing technologies to date have involved sequencing populations themselves, both tissue that you get from patients, usually from lumpectomies or surgeries, and the issue there is that it’s really a mixture of many different cell types and cells. It’s becoming clearer that there’s intra-tumor heterogeneity, which means that different tumor cells within one patient’s tumor can have different genomes and different mutations. And they’ll respond differently to therapy as well. And so that was really the motivation for us to start developing tools to be able to sequence smaller and smaller populations, and eventually we came to developing one of the first papers, that appeared in Nature, which was the first method to do single-cell sequencing.

  And we use that to study triple-negative breast cancers, and we found that in some tumors, it looked like the copy number profiles, those are the amplifications and the deletions, are very clonal and very similar from cell to cell. But in other tumors, we could find multiple tumor populations present and that they’re all genetically related but that they have different oncegene and tumor suppressors in that tumor. And so these tools have been very useful in delineating the heterogeneity you see within a tumor.

  So those are the methods we’ve been developing, and we’re just now starting to translate them into the clinic and find very important clinical applications where we think they can make a big impact on improving the lives of breast cancer patients.

  《肿瘤瞭望》:您所在的M.D. Anderson实验室正在开展某些非常先进的测序工作。您能向我们简单介绍一下这项工作、单细胞测序工具及其在临床实践中的目的吗?




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