[COMB2014]单细胞基因测序在乳腺癌中的转化应用——Nicholas E. Navin博士访谈

作者:  N.E.Navin   日期:2014/8/15 12:06:14  浏览量:67300


编者按:Nicholas E. Navin博士,MD Anderson癌症中心研究员、AACR会员,致力于试验单细胞和隔代测序技术研究乳腺癌等实体瘤的基因进化和基因多样化。在“第二届乳腺癌个体化治疗大会”上,Navin博士作了题为“Investigating Breast Cancer Evolution With Single Cell Genomes”的精彩演讲,《肿瘤瞭望》就此采访了Nicholas E. Navin博士。

  Oncology Frontier: If we’re finding that there are different mutations and different types of cells within a tumor, we’re going to obviously change the way we’re treating cancer and tumors. There’s combination now, but this will give us a better idea of making better combinations of drugs then. Is that possibly a future thing with this as it goes further?

  Dr. Navin: Yeah, absolutely. So it’s moved from a lot of systemic chemotherapies, where a lot of patients get the same treatments, to personalized medicine, which means that for every patient you try to find out what mutations they have and give them targeted therapies, and now we’re moving to very personalized medicine, where you’re also looking at whether a certain therapy is going to affect all the tumor cells or just a small population of those cells. And so it’s useful for guiding therapeutic targeting; certainly that’s one big clinical application.

  And the other exciting clinical applications are non-invasive monitoring. So in the blood there are circulating tumor cells, but there are usually only a few in each patient. But if you can remove those and sequence them, then you can find out what mutations might be present back in the primary tumor site from which the cells are shedding. Then you can take blood at many different time points over the course of a disease and see which mutations are rising and which are recessing, and you might change your therapeutic strategy at that point.

  And another big clinical application is just early detection. So if you can detect tumor cells early in the blood or other bodily fluids, then even in prostate cancer maybe in prostate fluid, you might be able to very early on treat that tumor, try to do imaging and find out where it is and determine whether it’s likely to be a malignant growth or not.






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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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