[NCCN 2015]NCCN乳腺癌指南专家组Mayer博士:激素敏感晚期乳腺癌内脏转移后治疗策略

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/3/15 17:05:28  浏览量:49929


Ingrid A. Mayer博士是NCCN乳腺癌指南专家组成员,来自于美国范德比尔特英格拉姆癌症中心(Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center)。在2015 NCCN年会上Mayer 博士做主题演讲“激素敏感晚期乳腺癌新疗法(New Therapies for Hormone-Sensitive Advanced Breast Cancer),并在讲座结束后,接受了《肿瘤瞭望》前方记者的采访。

  Oncology Frontier:For patients with HR-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer, whether chemotherapy or hormonal therapy should be preferred in the event of recurrence?




  Dr. Mayer: For patients that have a recurrence and are not in visceral crisis, endocrine therapy should always be prioritized instead of chemotherapy. Endocrine therapies should be exhausted as much as possible before committing a patient to chemotherapy. The only exception to that is in patients that present or develop visceral crisis.




  Oncology FrontierWhether endocrine treatment is significantly beneficial for hormone-sensitive advanced breast cancer with visceral metastasis?




  Dr. Mayer: If the visceral metastasis are not causing symptoms, i.e. patient is not in visceral crisis, endocrine therapy should be favored even in patients with visceral disease.




  Oncology Frontier: What‘s the future directions in the treatment of hormone-sensitive advanced breast cancer?




  Dr. Mayer: It is hard to say at this time; more data is needed in regards to CDK4/6 inhibitors to tell us if there’s survival advantage or not in administering these drugs with endocrine therapy in patients with newly diagnosed HR+ metastatic breast cancer. Until that benefit is shown, I am hesitant to say that the addition of a CDK4/6 inhibitor should be done in all patients. As for mTOR inhibitors, since they don’t provide survival advantage, not everybody will benefit from them either; it all depends on goals of care for a given patient. The quality of life and tolerance has to be taken in consideration if the only benefit achieved is improvement in progression free survival. As for PI3k inhibitors or methylation agents, data on their benefit is still unclear and results of phase Ⅲ trials are still awaited. The main take home message is: tailor treatment, try to milk endocrine therapy as much as possible.



  Mayer博士:目前还很难说; 我们还需要更多数据验证CDK4/6抑制剂治疗效果,比如其联合内分泌疗法治疗初诊HR+转移性乳腺癌有无生存期优势。在CDK4/6抑制剂疗效得到充分验证之前,不会建议所有患者采取这类药物治疗。mTOR抑制剂没有显示生存优势,也并非所有患者都能从中获益。这一切都取决于患者的治疗目标。若疗法的唯一获益是改善无进展生存期(PFS),还应该考虑患者生活质量和治疗耐受性。PI3K抑制剂或去甲基化药物的数据目前还不清楚,目前还要等Ⅲ期临床试验结果确认。关于激素敏感型晚期乳腺癌未来治疗进展,最重要的信息是“量身定制的个体化治疗”,最大限度地发挥内分泌治疗的价值。

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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴



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