[ELCC 2015]生物标志物是否有助于肺小结节诊断—— Giulia Veronesi医生访谈

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/4/28 16:52:07  浏览量:70673


编者按:来自意大利米兰的欧洲肿瘤研究所(IEO)和意大利人类研究医院(humanitas research hospital)的Giulia Veronesi医生的讲题“生物标志物是否有助于肺小结节诊断(Can biomarkers be of help in the diagnosis)”,设置在16日日程的“小结节的诊断带来的挑战(The diagnostic challenge of small nodules)”这一环节。生物标志物是一个热门话题,那么生物标志物对肺小结节的诊断有无帮助呢?为此《肿瘤瞭望》记者采访了Veronesi医生。

  Oncology Frontier: What is the optimal management strategy for the malignant solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN)?




  Dr. Veronesi: So far the surgical reaction with patients fit to receive the surgery is the standard. We know that minimally invasive approaches are nowadays more diffused, compared to the past in which thoracotomy was performed. Now we always perform video-thoracoscopic approach or robotic approach, and the objective is to reduce the invasiveness of surgery and increase the quality of life of patients. There is another trend, which is the reduction of the extension of resection. In the past, the standard approach was a lobectomy with radical lymph node dissection, and we could see in our research that as the cancers have very small nodule sizes in very early stages, in most of them it’s possible to perform a lung sparing sublobar resection, and in most cases an anatomic segmentectomy is the good adequate oncological procedure. So, most of our work cases are treated with minimally-invasive, so mainly robotic, segmentectomy. For those cases that are larger than 2 centimeters, or very aggressive tumors, the standard anatomical lobectomy is performed, mainly with minimally invasive access. The new point for the future is to evaluate the potential of stereotactic radiotherapy for various small nodules, both in the case of primary lesions, but in particular for lesions that are multifocal, second primary, or that have already received a lobectomy. So far, radiotherapy has been proposed as a good alternative to surgery for patients that are unfit for surgery. Now we are going to evaluate it for patients who can be treated with surgery, but in which surgery is correlated with higher mortality compared to radiotherapy. So, in the future our objective will be to screen cancer, to have a noninvasive diagnosis and a noninvasive treatment.

  Veronesi:博士:对于适合手术的患者来说标准治疗是手术治疗。肺癌微创手术的应用越来越普遍,电视胸腔镜手术或机器人手术的方法可减少手术创伤,提高患者的生活质量。肺癌手术的另一种发展趋势是切除范围减少。过去标准术式是肺叶切除术及彻底淋巴结清扫。而在我们研究中,结节很小的早期肺癌患者大多行亚肺叶切除术,采取微创技术(主要是机器人手术),大多数情况肺段切除术(anatomic segmentectomy)的效果已经很好。而大于2厘米或侵袭性强的肿瘤行标准肺叶切除术(微创手术)。




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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:张彩琴


生物标记物肺小结节诊断肺癌早期诊断恶性孤立性肺结节ELCC 2015

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