ESMO 2023丨Dr. Stacchiotti:我们何时能够治愈转移性肉瘤

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2023/11/22 13:49:05  浏览量:8738



编者按:骨与软组织肉瘤是一类高度异质性的间叶源性恶性肿瘤,包括70余种组织学亚型,由于组织学及生物学特性、局部浸润、淋巴结转移倾向存在差异,本病具有显著复杂性,患者容易出现疾病复发或病灶转移,预后较差。目前临床对于不可切除的局部晚期或转移性软组织肉瘤,仍主张以多柔比星为基础的一线化疗为主,但是整体疗效不容乐观。在近日举办的2023年欧洲肿瘤内科学会(ESMO 2023)年会中,来自意大利IRCCS国家癌症研究所的Silvia Stacchiotti教授参与了“我们何时能够治愈转移性肉瘤患者”的讨论,《肿瘤瞭望》有幸在现场采访了Stacchiotti教授,请其分享对这一话题的看法以及转移性肉瘤的治疗进展。

Oncology Frontier:Based on your extensive research and practical experience in the field of sarcoma,could you provide insights into the current advancements and challenges in treating patients with metastatic sarcoma?
Dr.Stacchiotti:Thank you for the question.I think that the first thing that we need to have always in mind is that sarcoma is not a single disease,it is a family of tumors.So when it comes to defining which are the progress in treating metastatic sarcoma,we should consider each single histology separately.
So today we had the presentation of a very interesting data about the combination of doxorubicin and trabectedin,for example,and it was clear that it can provide benefit,but probably not at the same level in all different histologies,leiomyosarcoma being probably the most interesting one,and the same is,for example,for olaparib and trabectedin.
While on the other side we have new data coming out on MDM2 inhibitors in well dedifferentiated liposarcoma,or last year we had very interesting data onγ-secretase inhibitor in desmoid fibromatosis.So we need to stay tuned and to look at each single histology to understand what is new in the field.

Oncology Frontier:You participated in the discussion of the topic‘When can we cure patients with metastatic sarcoma’.What are the key factors,in your opinion,that determine the success of curing metastatic sarcoma?
Dr.Stacchiotti:Even though we still lack prospective data,I think that the key factor is patient selection,and based on the retrospective data that we have so far,these key elements to select patients are basically again histology.The interval between the primary tumor and the metastatic relapse,that should be not short.The progression rate of the tumor,the response to a prior chemotherapeutic treatment and especially the potentiality for rejecting or treating all the metastatic lesions and the number and size of the lesions.So for now these are the elements that we need to consider when we want to select a patient with oligometastatic sarcoma for a local regional treatment.But of course a lot needs to be done and prospective studies are really needed to better understand how to select the right patient for this kind of approach.

Oncology Frontier:Could you share some of the promising results or breakthroughs from your recent research that could potentially lead us closer to treating metastatic sarcoma?
Dr.Stacchiotti:More than curing,unfortunately,is still very far away.We have new interesting approaches for selected histologies and these consist in immunotherapy for histologic types like oligometastatic sarcoma or angiosarcoma.For example,T-cell therapy for histologies like synovial sarcoma and myxoid liposarcoma andγ-secretase inhibitor for desmoid tumor,as we said before.We really hope for MDM2 inhibitors for liposarcoma.And of course,yesterday and today we talk a lot of combination approaches.In some indication they look promising.So again stay in tune and look at the experimental,the trials that are available for patients.
Silvia Stacchiotti
Silvia Stacchiotti是一名肿瘤学家,致力于骨与软组织肉瘤(STS)和胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)的治疗和研究。她在意大利IRCCS国家癌症研究所-癌症医学部-成人间充质和罕见肿瘤医疗组工作,参与所有有关肉瘤的机构研究活动,尤其关注超罕见肉瘤。她的工作重点是,为受肉瘤影响的成年患者(从疾病的局部阶段到晚期阶段)确定新的治疗方法和治疗模式。


版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:刘博文



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