
[名家访谈] 2016霍奇金淋巴瘤治疗新进展

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2016/8/11 15:38:10  浏览量:23816


编者按:ABVD是经典型霍奇金淋巴瘤(HL)的一线治疗方案,欧洲研究认为BEACOPP在预后不良的患者中疗效更好。然而,近期EORTC 20012研究得出了阴性的结果。该如何评价这两种一线方案?目前是否还有其他化疗方案有望撼动ABVD方案在HL治疗中的“统治地位”?抱着上述疑问,小编在不久前结束的2016欧洲血液学协会(EHA)年会上特邀请克罗地亚萨格勒布大学医院中心I Aurer教授进行了专访,请他分享了关于HL治疗最新进展的独到见解。现将其内容整理成文,以飨读者。

   克罗地亚萨格勒布大学医院中心I Aurer教授访谈

  Dr. Aurer: Well, the question of the choice of the frontline therapy in Hodgkin lymphoma is an unanswered question—I think it’s unanswerable. Because escalated BEACOPP, as you said, is definitely more effective. However, it’s also significantly more toxic. And it’s a matter of opinion whether you think it’s worthwhile exposing 100 percent of patients to increased toxicity in order to help the outcome of 5 to 10 percent. Personally, I am a fan of escalated BEACOPPand I would not agree with the statement that ABVD is unshakeable. But as I said, this is really a matter of opinion.
  Dr. Aurer:Well, the situation in Hodgkin lymphoma second line cell therapy is very similar to what we see in aggressive lymphomas. It seems that a number of different chemotherapy regimens can achieve the same result. And therefore, which one you use is really dependent on the local experience and practice. Maybe, in some instances, you can pick up the protocol depending on the toxicity that you want to avoid in patients, for instance, whether renal toxicity should be avoided (or something like that). So, it’s simply a fact that all of these regimens produce very, very similar effects—and that is a fact.
  Dr. Aurer: Well, I thinka high-dose ofifosfamide and mitoxantroneaged in protocol produces results that are practically identical to that of ICE, DHAP, or MINE-ESHAP,whatever. So I don’t think there are any substantial advantages or disadvantages to any of these protocols. So they can be used depending on, again, whether you want to avoid cisplatin or other things like that. So how did HDIM evolve? Well, it’s a long story, actually. More than 10 years ago, we did a study using this regimenas amodelization regimen and we had some very good results in a few hodgkin lymphoma patients that were included.And we, therefore, just continued using it because we’re familiar with that and felt that it has good efficacy and acceptable toxicity. And we now have the chance to analyze our results and publish it, which proves our first impression that it’s effective and acceptably toxic.
  Dr. Aurer: Regarding the PD-1 inhibitors—this is a group of very interesting and very promising agents. If you use this monotherapy, their toxicity seems to be minor, and they seem to increase the efficacy of radiation therapy (and possibly chemotherapy). So whether they will finally be used as monotherapy or in combination remains to be seen. Studies need to be done and it is, I think, much too early to speculate on what will be their place and how they will be used.
  Dr. Aurer:The second cancer problem is a big problem in cancer survivors; however, one should keep in mind that in order to have a second cancer, you have to survive your first cancer. So, I am very much against reducing treatment that might lead to reduced efficacy in treating first cancers. We have had improvements there also, with the reduction in size of radiation fields, and with the use of chemotherapy that contains less alkylating agents, we are seeing less second cancers than we used to earlier. The problem is that what we do now, we’ll see have its effect in 10, 15, 20 years. So we need to wait a lot to see what changes will be brought about by the changes in our practice. As far as I know, the Europeans do not share the recommendations of NCCN to do checks ups with CT scans or MRIs to detect early cancer. What is done in regular practice is breast imaging, be it mammography or ultrasound or magnetic resonance in women that have been treated for cancer, especially if they had mediastinal radiation,and we also screen for thyroid cancer with ultrasound and things like that.

版面编辑:夏天乐  责任编辑:张彩琴



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