
[CSCO2014]RAS基因突变是否能作为抗EGFR治疗的生物学标志物?——Jean-Yves Douillard教授访谈

作者:  Jean-YvesDouillard   日期:2014/9/22 17:04:01  浏览量:23978


Jean-Yves Douillard 法国南特大学医学院、R. Gauducheau综合肿瘤中心肿瘤内科学教授,ESMO教育委员会现任主席。

法国南特大学医学院、R. Gauducheau综合肿瘤中心Jean-Yves Douillard教授访谈

  Jean-Yves Douillard   法国南特大学医学院、R. Gauducheau综合肿瘤中心肿瘤内科学教授,ESMO教育委员会现任主席。他参与了肺癌和消化道的多项临床试验,对包括长春瑞滨、伊立替康、多西他赛、紫杉醇和吉西他滨等在内的多种新药进行了研究,同时还对吉非替尼、埃罗替尼、法尼基转移酶抑制剂、Raf激酶抑制剂、抗血管生成分子和单克隆抗体等靶向治疗药物进行了研究,在多本顶尖肿瘤学杂志上发表了大量文章。在第17届全国临床肿瘤学大会暨2014年CSCO学术年会的ESMO-CSCO联合论坛上,Douillard教授与徐瑞华教授共同主持了有关结直肠癌的进展讨论,并发表专题演讲。会后《肿瘤瞭望》就EGFR抑制剂联合化疗的不良反应管理和疗效预测,对Douillard教授进行了采访。

  Oncology Frontier: What’s the serious adverse effect of EGFR inhibitors in combination with chemotherapy?


  Dr Douillard: When anti-EGFR antibodies are used in conjunction with chemotherapy, there will be the toxicity of the chemotherapy plus the specific side effects of the anti-EGFR. The main side effect of the anti-EGFRs which are due to receptor distribution, is skin toxicity. Skin toxicity occurs in at least 80% of patients. It is worth noting that patients that develop skin toxicity quite often have a better outcome than the patients without skin toxicity. It is generally grade 1 (mild) or grade 2 (moderate) in most cases with the exception of grade 3 (severe). It can be improved with local skin therapy but will progressively decrease with duration of treatment. The second most frequent side effect is diarrhea. Diarrhea is quite easy to manage but again, this toxicity is added on top of chemotherapy. For patients, the most striking side effect is skin toxicity because of course it has an impact on social life.


  Oncology Frontier: Could RAS mutation patients benefit from the combination of EGFR inhibitors and chemotherapy?


  Dr Douillard: The answer is no. Any patient with a RAS mutation, either KRAS or NRAS, should not be treated with anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies. There is either no  benefit or even a proven detrimental effect especially when used in combination with oxaliplatin.


  Oncology Frontier: Are RAS mutations predictive biomarkers for anti-EGFR therapy?


  Dr Douillard: Yes. The knowledge of the RAS phenotype in terms of mutation is important information in order to decide on the treatment regimen. The patient presenting with no RAS metastasis get a lot of benefit from the addition of anti-EGFR monoclonal antibodies to chemotherapy. On the other hand, the existence of RAS mutation is a negative predictive factor of efficacy. In a patient with any RAS mutation, anti-EGFR should not be used.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:何豫



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