[EHA2015]EHA候任主席:JAK/STAT 信号通路的最新科学研究与临床转化——Tony Green教授访谈

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2015/6/15 17:28:48  浏览量:31257



英国剑桥大学临床医学院Tony Green教授






  It has been wonderful. The Scientific Program Committee have done a great job inviting a wide range of speakers. There have been around 210 separate scientific sessions for about 10000 delegates. Not only all that, but they organized the weather as well, because that has been really beautiful. It has been a wonderful few days in Vienna with lots of good science and good interaction. So, for me, a very enjoyable meeting.


  《肿瘤瞭望》:我们都知道您主要做造血干细胞与恶性血液病的机制研究,尤其是JAK/STAT 信号通路在其中的作用。请您向我们介绍一下您有哪些最新的发现,尤其是在骨髓增殖性肿瘤(MPN)方面的转化应用?




  JAK2突变产生两方面的重要影响。首先,也可能是最显著的,是对诊断的影响。目前,欧洲已推荐其作为很多血液疾病的一线检测指标,例如在高血红蛋白患者中。与其进行一系列复杂检测来明确真性红细胞增多症的诊断,我们需要只是血细胞计数,显示血红蛋白水平高,分子检测出JAK2突变。这项检测非常简单,对诊断具有革命性的意义。同样的,其对原发性血小板增多症(ET)也有显著影响。当然在ET中,大约有一般的患者缺少JAK2突变。因此,最新的变化就是Gary Gilliland和Ross Levine发现了MPL突变,然后就是最近的我们和Robert Kralovics研究组发现的CALR突变。目前,我们知道这些突变约和80%的ET患者的发病相关。因此,目前诊断是更有力的过程。




  It is almost the ten-year anniversary of the initial publication that described the JAK2 mutation, which at the time exploded the myeloproliferative neoplasm field from a Cinderella specialty to an area where we could start to ask questions that were of fundamental importance, not just for patients with myeloproliferative neoplasm, but allowing us to make new advances that had really broad relevance. We now know that the JAK2 mutation is present in most patients with a myeloproliferative neoplasm.


  We know there are additional exon 12 mutations present in a subgroup of patients who look like they have idiopathic erythrocytosis but in fact have a form of polycythemia vera. The JAK2 mutation has two major translational impacts. The first, and probably in some ways the most dramatic, is the impact it has had on diagnosis. It is now the front-line test used in Europe when a patient presents with high hemoglobin, for example. Instead of conducting a complex series of tests to make the diagnosis of polycythemia vera, all we need is a full blood count to show the hemoglobin is high and the molecular test to show the presence of a JAK2 mutation. Very simple.


  And that has revolutionized diagnosis. Similarly, it has had a dramatic effect on essential thrombocythemia (ET). Of course in ET, roughly half of the patients lack the JAK2 mutation. So the most recent change there has been the discovery of the MPL mutation Gary Gilliland and Ross Levine and then more recently, the discovery of the CALR mutation by ourselves and Robert Kralovics’ group. Now we know the mutations that are responsible in around 80% of patients with ET as well. So making the diagnosis is a far more robust process now.


  The second major impact is in the therapeutic area, of course. JAK2 inhibitors began use in patients in 2010 so we now have five years of experience of JAK2 inhibitors in patients. Their role is becoming clearer, particularly in myelofibrosis. They are very useful for patients who have constitutional symptoms and those who have symptoms attributable to splenomegaly. So they are very useful in that context. There are promising signs that they also may affect survival of these poor prognosis myelofibrosis patients. The unknown question is what their role will be in more chronic phase patients with polycythemia vera or essential thrombocythemia. There are presentations at this meeting that are starting to help us understand that and I know there are trials ongoing that are addressing that too. There is a lot of other exciting stuff we are doing on the more experimental side but that is the summary of our translational research.








  That’s a challenge. The observation we made was if a disease is associated with two mutations (in our case JAK2 and TET2), the biology and the clinical behavior of the disease was different depending on whether JAK2 came first followed by TET2 or vice versa. The clinical impact of this was quite dramatic. The patient for whom the JAK2 mutation came first was at a much earlier age and had a higher rate of thrombosis, for example.


  We had preliminary data suggesting that they may respond differently to targeted treatment with JAK2 inhibitors, for example. The importance of that is not just in the myeloproliferativeneoplasms, but first proof of principle that in any cancer, the order in which mutations are acquired makes a difference to the biology of the tumor and thus, its clinical behavior. The proof of that principle was probably one of the most important things and I hope that will stimulate people working in all types of cancer fields to ask questions not just about what mutations are present, but in what order were those mutations acquired.


  I think that is a really fundamental issue. You raised the practical point of how do we measure this easily? That is not easy because standard next-generation sequencing technology finds it difficult to accurately determine what order two mutations have arrived in. This is mainly because we are taking a pool of tumor cells and trying to work out the allele burden. To do that with the precision necessary to determine order is challenging the standard techniques. However, I think there are some newer techniques that combine PCR and next-generation sequencing technology which may allow it to be more precise in how we measure mutation order. If this proves to be effective, then we will be in a very powerful position to determine mutation order in larger numbers of patients, not just the myeloproliferative neoplasms, but with a whole variety of tumors.

版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:付丽云



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