Jill Hamilton Reeves:强化免疫营养能否改善根治性膀胱切除术患者结局?丨ASCO国际视野

作者:肿瘤瞭望   日期:2024/6/21 17:27:29  浏览量:2842


2024年美国临床肿瘤学会年会(ASCO 2024)于当地时间5月31日至6月4日在密歇根湖滨城市芝加哥举行。美国堪萨斯大学医学中心Jill Hamilton Reeves教授在大会现场分享了SWOG S1600研究结果,该研究探索了免疫增强营养对根治性膀胱切除术(RC)结局的影响。《肿瘤瞭望-泌尿时讯》就研究结果现场采访了Jill Hamilton Reeves教授,整理如下,以飨读者。

编者按:2024年美国临床肿瘤学会年会(ASCO 2024)于当地时间5月31日至6月4日在密歇根湖滨城市芝加哥举行。美国堪萨斯大学医学中心Jill Hamilton Reeves教授在大会现场分享了SWOG S1600研究结果,该研究探索了免疫增强营养对根治性膀胱切除术(RC)结局的影响。《肿瘤瞭望-泌尿时讯》就研究结果现场采访了Jill Hamilton Reeves教授,整理如下,以飨读者。
Jill Hamilton Reeves博士的研究强调了营养在癌症护理中的关键作用。她的研究结果表明,增强营养支持可能提高癌症患者的生存率,为进一步探讨特定营养素如何帮助康复和长期健康铺平了道路。
营养干预是综合癌症护理的重要组成部分。Jill Hamilton Reeves博士的见解强调了将目标营养素纳入患者饮食的潜在益处,不仅可以管理并发症,还可以提高整体生存率和生活质量。该领域的持续研究有望开发出有效的策略,支持癌症患者在治疗和康复过程中。

Jill Hamilton Reeves教授:作为一名营养学家,我认为在癌症治疗期间保持健康饮食非常重要。患者在不适时能够摄取足够的热量和蛋白质,得到营养支持是至关重要的。所以我们在研究中探讨了营养干预是否能够减少并发症的发生率。
Oncology Frontier:Based on clinical practice,what do you think bladder cancer patients need to pay attention to in treatment after radical resection?
Dr.Jill Hamilton Reeves:Certainly.As a nutritionist,I emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy diet,especially during cancer treatments.It’s crucial for patients to get enough calories and protein,and to have support in preparing meals,particularly when they might not feel well.This approach informed our study,where we looked into nutritional interventions to see if they could reduce complication rates.
《肿瘤瞭望》:您在ASCO大会公布了SWOG S1600研究结果。对于接受根治性膀胱切除术的膀胱癌患者,不同营养补充剂的疾病进展和并发症有何差异?

Jill Hamilton Reeves教授:在我们的试验中比较了两种营养饮品。干预组和对照组的基础配方相同,但干预组的营养饮品中添加了额外的营养素,包括鱼油、L-精氨酸和膳食核苷酸。目的是观察强化营养对RC后并发症的影响。虽然两组的并发症发生率相似,但我们的数据显示,干预组患者的生存时间更长。这个发现很有趣,我们计划进一步研究,以了解是什么可能导致了生存率的提高。
Oncology Frontier:You presented the results of the SWOG S1600 study at ASCO.How do different nutritional supplements affect disease progression and complications in patients with bladder cancer who have undergone radical cystectomy?
Dr.Jill Hamilton Reeves:In our trial,we compared two nutritional drinks.Both the intervention and control groups received the same base formula,but the intervention drink had additional nutrients,including fish oil,arginine,and nucleotides.We aimed to see if this enriched formula could reduce complication rates.While the complication rates were similar between both groups,our data suggested that patients in the intervention group lived longer.This finding is intriguing,and we plan to investigate further to understand what might be contributing to the improved survival rates.

Jill Hamilton Reeves教授:我们还有很多需要探索。初步结果只是一个开始。我们特别关注感染率等并发症,我们相信添加的营养素可能会带来显著的改变。我们还认为这些营养素可以帮助患者更好地保持肌肉质量,我们有这方面的相关数据并计划对此进行分析。此外,我们还收集了大量的代谢和免疫数据,这些数据将用于研究这些营养素是如何影响患者术后的恢复和整体生存。
Oncology Frontier:What areas of research will you explore in the future?
Dr.Jill Hamilton Reeves:We have much more to explore.The primary results are just the beginning.We are particularly interested in complications such as infection rates,where we believe the added nutrients might make a significant difference.We also think these nutrients help patients retain muscle mass better,and we have data on that which we plan to analyze.Additionally,we have extensive metabolism and immune data that we will examine to understand how these nutrients impact patients’recovery and overall survival after surgery.



版面编辑:张靖璇  责任编辑:无医学编辑



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