
[CORE15]肾癌预后评估与免疫治疗 ——韩国延世大学Sun Young Rha教授

作者:  S.Y.Rha   日期:2015/7/8 17:43:25  浏览量:18717


Sun Young Rha博士,韩国延世大学医学院肿瘤科教授,致力于肾癌、胃癌和肉瘤的临床治疗和研究。在第六届国际肾癌高峰论坛(CORE)上,Sun Young Rha教授介绍了肾癌患者的预后评估、疗效预测,以及免疫治疗的最新进展,并就以上话题接受了《肿瘤瞭望》的专访。

  Oncology Frontier: Can you tell us about your presentation dealing with prognostic scoring including surgical implications?




  Dr. Sun Young Rha: For patient treatment decisions, we need to figure out the patient’s prognosis and how we can use that prognosis in our treatment decisions. Unfortunately, to-date, we don’t have biomarkers like molecular markers or specific markers to predict treatment efficacy. What we do is use prognostic risk groupings which have been used for more than twenty years.


  The most common one is the Memorial Sloane-Kettering risk group based on six parameters. This was developed in the cytokine treatment era, so it is a little difficult to apply it to the current system where we are using a lot of VEGF TKIs.


  But even in this era, when we apply those parameters, we can still group the patients. Then Heng’s group collected data from a few thousand patients from multiple sites to make the IMDC (International Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium), which includes patients treated in the molecular-targeted agents era. This IMDC score is similar to MSKCC but also includes neutrophil and platelet counts. We can categorize patients into three groups of varying prognosis.


  There are several other prognostic scores but these are not validated externally and usually retrospective from institutional studies. Recently, we have received more data on second-line prognostic scoring where we use a modified Memorial Sloane-Kettering scoring system with three parameters. The IMDC also has six parameters to use to predict the outcome of second-line treatment, but again, that is not in standard use in the clinical setting. It is however useful for deciding further treatment options. For cytoreductive nephrectomy, when we use the IMDC scoring system, we can categorize patients who may benefit from the procedure and those who will not benefit from cytoreductive nephrectomy. That is based on tumor characteristics and also host characteristics including comorbidities.


  So again, the prognostic scoring system provides support, but it is not the only determining factor and it is not mandatory in deciding patient treatment strategies. We still need more individualized biomarkers to predict outcomes and response to treatment.


  Sun Young Rha教授:临床上,在为患者制定治疗方案前,需要先评估患者的预后。然而不幸的是,迄今为止,我们还没有发现可预测疗效的生物标记物,所以现在所能做的就是使用危险度分组预后模型(这种方法已使用了二十多年)。


  纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, MSKCC)模型是最常用的基于六种参数的危险度分组预后模型。该方法最初是在细胞因子治疗领域发展起来的,所以将其应用于目前的治疗,尤其是使用最多的VEGF-TKI领域,还存在一定的困难。


  国际转移性肾细胞癌联合数据库(International Metastatic Renal-Cell Carcinoma Database Consortium, IMDC)收集了来自全球多中心的几千例患者的信息,包括接受分子靶向治疗的患者。在此数据库基础上建立的IMDC模型能为肾细胞癌患者提供相关的预后信息。IMDC模型于MSKCC模型评分类似,同样也包括中性粒细胞和血小板计数,可以将患者分成3种不同的预后。






  Oncology FrontierWhat are some of the important decision-making crossroads in the treatment of patients with RCC?



  Dr Sun Young Rha: Until two or three years ago, we were in a plateau with regard to the efficacy of treatment including VEGF TKIs and mTOR inhibitors. Now we have more choices with immunotherapy. Immunotherapy today is different from the usual meaning seen previously with the cytokines and previous therapies. Now we have different mechanisms of immune inhibition through the immune checkpoint inhibitors. This provides very good efficacy increasing our chances to achieve cures using combinations of checkpoint inhibitors with other agents.


  The problem is what is the proper partner. Some of the VEGF TKIs are being tested and we see increasing issues with toxicities. Another pathway is the inhibition of angiogenesis with bevacizumab and other monoclonal antibodies, which may prove to be efficacious and more tolerable. It is an exciting time to see more chances to treat patients with the possibility of cures.


  The issue again is which patients to treat. We need biomarkers to select those patients who will benefit from these treatments. Currently, some of the markers (like PD-L1 expression in tumors) are being used but they are not yet standardized and validated and are not the only indicator. Renal cancer has been an important target for immunotherapy so from now on I think we have a good future in the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma.


  Sun Young Rha教授:直到两三年前,关于VEGF-TKIs和mTOR抑制剂的疗效才刚刚处于一个稳定期,而现在对于免疫治疗又有了更多的选择。如今的免疫治疗不同于传统的细胞因子治疗,主要是免疫检查点抑制剂治疗,在与其他药物的联合应用中显示出了很好的疗效,增加了患者治愈的可能。





版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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