
[CORE2015]第六届国际肾癌高峰论坛(CORE)热点回顾——Jennifer Knox教授访谈

作者:  J.Knox   日期:2015/7/16 16:40:36  浏览量:18602


Jennifer Knox博士,加拿大玛格丽特公主癌症中心、加拿大多伦多大学医学院副教授,加拿大国家癌症研究所(NCIC)和美国国家癌症研究所(NCI)的主要研究者,主要研究兴趣为癌症的新疗法和多学科管理,出席并参与了第六届国际肾癌高峰论坛(CORE)上 “序贯治疗还是联合治疗”的话题讨论。

Jennifer Knox, MD



















  会上,专家们介绍了免疫治疗领域有望上市的药物及其效果,并就如何支付价格昂贵的免疫治疗药物提出了建议。Jennifer Knox教授:“虽然目前还没有临床试验数据,但免疫治疗到来之势不可挡,这令人非常兴奋。”




  Oncology Frontier:You were on the panel for the discussion on sequential and combination therapies, when to treat, how long to treat and when to stop. Can you give us an overview of the subject?


  Dr. Knox: We had a lot of discussion today about the clinical trial data that we have for treating metastatic kidney cancer in both the first-line and second-line setting.


  The strongest data so far is for sunitinib or pazopanib in the first-line setting. On head-to-head comparisons they appear equivalent and there may be strong indications that pazopanib is better tolerated.


  In the second-line setting once a patient has progressed on those drugs (unfortunately patients develop resistance), there is a little more controversy over what to use next. We have randomized data to suggest Afinitor (everolimus, a different class of drug) is effective and we also have randomized data to suggest a similar drug to the first-line drugs, axitinib, is also effective.


  I think a lot of the discussion today was to hear different people’s experiences with when to choose one over another, but the data really supports either choice.


  Oncology Frontier: What are some of the other hot topics in RCC discussed at the meeting?


  Dr. Knox: There were a lot of hot topics discussed. A real challenge with treating kidney cancer today is that these patients have a large burden of disease with metastases to different parts of the body. These drugs may be very effective in some areas, but then the disease starts to grow in others. Given that we don’t have a lot of options, we seek out the best strategy to maximize the use of drugs.


  Many of the discussions we had in the hot topics related to when we would stop, when we would do localized therapy like radiation or surgery to progressing metastases and then go back to continuing with drug therapy. Most of the experts present and those on the panel favor that kind of approach rather than throwing a drug out that may still be effective for some of the disease as long as the patient is well.


  We also talked quite a bit about the immunotherapy drugs that are coming and how effective they will be and how will the world pay for them because they are very expensive and how durable they will be. We don’t have that data yet, but it is coming and that is very exciting.


版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:吉晓蓉



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